Space - 2022년 4월 릴리스

이제 IntelliJ IDEA에서 코드 검토 주석을 게시할 시기를 선택할 수 있습니다.
5월 4, 2022
신규 버전



  • Choose when to post a code review comment in IntelliJ IDEA 2022.1 - When reviewing code changes in the IDE, you can now choose when to post a code review comment:
    • Post Now immediately posts the comment in the code review and notifies the author and other code review participants immediately.
    • Save as Draft batches all comments, and sends them in one go when you approve changes or wait for a response.
  • Use shortcuts with code review comments - Improved the code review user interface and show applicable keyboard shortcuts. When posting a code review comment, you can use Enter to add a new line. Ctrl+Enter will save or post the comment.

Code reviews

  • Comment on multiple lines in code reviews - Added multi-line comments to Space code reviews. To comment on several lines, open a code review or a merge request, drag your mouse pointer to select as many lines as you like, and leave your comment.
  • Suggest code changes in merge requests - When reviewing a merge request from your teammate, you can now make quick edits to the code and post them as suggestions instead of just leaving comments. To suggest edits, select a line or a fragment of code, click ‘Suggest changes’, and edit it. Comment your edits as well if you’d like to explain the reasoning behind them. When your teammate sees your edits, they can accept and commit them right away with just a couple clicks.


  • Integrate Space Calendar with your favorite calendar app with CalDAV support - With this update, you can now manage your Space work schedule and personal plans from your favorite calendar app.
    • CalDAV support has been added in Space, allowing you to view and edit your Space calendar from calendars and mail applications that support CalDAV, such as Apple Mac and Apple iPhone Calendars, Thunderbird, and others.

Package management

  • Manage and share file artifacts with Space Packages - A new type of Space Package repository is now available for automated storage and sharing of project-related files - File Repository.
    • Use command-line tools, like cURL and Microsoft PowerShell, to remotely manage the repository or handle files and folders from within the UI. Thanks to file content immutability enabled by default, you can ensure reproducibility for your CI/CD pipelines.


  • Customize your Space dashboard:
    • You can now rearrange the widgets on your personal dashboard or hide those you don’t need.
    • The default dashboard provides an overview of useful day-to-day information, with widgets like the Calendar, Favorite Projects, Code Reviews, Followed Teams, and Recent Blog Posts.
    • You can adjust the widgets any way you like, and if you ever want to revert them back to the default view, you can simply click ‘Reset to default’.

Space Cloud

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