Altova RecordsManager를 추가하여 데스크톱 및 모바일 사용자를 위한 코드 없는 데이터베이스 애플리케이션을 쉽게 만들 수 있습니다.
6월 1, 2022
신규 버전
Added the option to create a no-code database app with Altova RecordsManager.
Added a new Database Wizard and support for hierarchical DB read/write.
Added support for modularization.
Added new Server Library MobileTogether design file.
Added the ability to restrict logging in MobileTogether Designer.
Added ability to add a list of files to be deployed with a MobileTogether design to the MobileTogether Server directly in the design file itself, instead of copying the files manually.
Added a new lock/unlock Action.
Added a new Action to rename a file/folder.
Added the option to move deleted files to the Trash.
Added a new option to switch theme via an Action.
Added ability for developers to add comments for elements and attributes in page sources.
Added ability to choose the database file behind your app at runtime using a new Action called DB Switch Connection.
Added support for additional database versions including IBM DB2 11.5.7, MySQL 8.0.28, MariaDB 10.6.5, SQLite 3.37 and PostgreSQL 14.1.
Added support for Android 12 and Apple iOS 15.
Added support for Microsoft Windows 11.
Added MobileTogether Server support for Apple macOS Big Sur, macOS Monterey, and Linux Debian 11.
New RecordsManager lets you easily build business database apps.