Stimulsoft 2022.4.1

3D 차트, GS1 바코드 및 새로운 전자 서명 구성요소를 추가합니다.
9월 30, 2022
신규 버전


New 3D Charts

  • You can now display 3D Clustered Column, 3D Stacked Column or 3D Full-stacked Column charts in reports and dashboards.
  • You can change the geometry of the series to either Box, Pyramid or Partial Pyramid.
  • When creating a standard 3D multi-series bar chart, you can specify the display mode to be either 'side by side' or 'behind'.

Optimizing JavaScript Components

  • The support of various screen scales has been added to the following products: Reports.JS, Reports.PHP, Dashboards.JS and Dashboards.PHP.
  • Now you don't need to include CSS files when using JS components in a project.
  • All images used in JS products have been converted to 'WebP' format.
  • Added a new method - 'setTheme(themeName)' to set the theme of the designer and viewer.

New GS1 Barcodes

  • Added support for GS1 DataMatrix and GS1 QR Code barcodes.

MariaDB Data Source

  • Added new adapter for getting data from MariaDB Servers.
  • After creating a connection and running your query, you can create reports and dashboards based on the retrieved data.

Electronic Signatures

  • Using this new component, you can sign reports graphically - enter, draw or insert an image of a handwritten signature.
  • You can add text, for example, name, initials, company, job title, etc.
  • You can sign a report in design mode or when viewing it.

PDF Digital Signature

  • Using this new component, you can add digital signatures to reports (using Adobe PDF) after converting them to PDF.
  • To display the Electronic Signature and Digital PDF Signature elements on the toolbox, you should flag them in toolbox settings.

New Authorization Options

  • You can now log in to the Stimulsoft platform using web services such as GitHub and Facebook.
  • Use the credentials from these services when logging into the report designer, company or personal account or Stimulsoft Cloud.

Formatting Dates in Text Elements

  • Apply date formatting to Text elements in dashboards.

Title Alignment in Table Elements

  • Horizontally align column title text in dashboard Table elements.
  • Alignment is configured for each table column using the Horizontal Alignment property. It has the following values that correspond to the position of a title - left, right and center.

Time intervals in Dashboard Gauge Elements

  • You can now use all types of gauges to visualize time intervals.
  • Specify data columns and set the 'date' and 'time' parameters in the element editor.
  • Time interval range can be specified automatically or manually.
  • Elements can also display the target value as a date.

Interface Improvements

  • Improvements to the appearance and usability of the report designer.
  • New Microsoft Office 2022 design theme has been added for web components.
3D charts

Stimulsoft Ultimate

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