Highcharts v10.3.1

극좌표형 차트(polar chart)의 확대/축소에 대한 지원을 추가하고 계열 레이블의 HTML 서식을 개선합니다.
11월 2, 2022
신규 버전


  • Added support for zooming on polar charts.
  • Added 'series.label.useHTML' to support HTML formatting on series labels.
  • Made the legend items of venn diagrams list the names of points instead of the names of series.
  • Changed the default value for dependency wheel data label vertical positioning.
  • Highcharts Maps JS
    • Improved default value for 'legend.valueDecimals' for color axis with data classes. Now it preserves the decimals of the from and to settings by default.
    • Improved UX on legend items when using a color axis with data classes. Hovering now renders other map areas as inactive, and clicking the legend item renders them as null rather than completely hiding them.

Highcharts Core

웹 페이지 및 웹 애플리케이션을 위한 데이터 시각화, 차트 및 다이어그램입니다.

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