Razor 페이지 및 .NET 7에 대한 지원과 함께 새로운 데이터 모니터 도구를 추가합니다.
12월 13, 2022
신규 버전
Razor Pages - This release adds support for Razor Pages to the .NET Core components. Razor Pages allow you to create pages with code that handles various requests.
Variable Categories - You can now structure the order of parameters by categorizing them and enabling category visibility mode.
Updated Blazor Components
Improved internal structure of the components using asynchronous mode. This significantly increases loading speed and performance.
Improved the ability to display elements in pop-up windows.
Updated PHP Components
Added support for Composer dependency manager. Now it's easier to install the product. Run just one command, and all scripts and resources will be loaded automatically.
PHP code has been completely refactored.
Data Monitor - You can now monitor .NET report generator SQL queries in real-time.
Report Culture Expressions - It is now possible to define the localization language of a report or dashboard based on the result of an expression calculation.
Reset All Filters - When viewing dashboards you can now reset all element filters to their default state with one click.
Viewer Toolbar Alignment - You can now change the horizontal position of the toolbar and define it as left, right or center.
GIF Support in Dashboards - Added support for animated GIF images in dashboards Animated images can be loaded from a file or added via a hyperlink.
Updated Designer Menu - Completely redesigned the menu used to open and save reports. Also added search capabilities, report pinning support and the ability to specify local storage.
Updated Style Designer - Optimized and improved tools for creating styles.
Microsoft .NET 7.0 support - Stimulsoft components are now compatible with platforms such as ASP.NET Core MVC, ASP.NET Core Razor, WinForms, WPF and Blazor running the .NET 7.0 Framework.