Syncfusion Essential Studio ASP.NET MVC 2023 Volume 2

Rich Text Editor에서 형식 페인터 및 이모지 지원을 추가하고, DataGrid를 위한 반응형 호출기를 추가합니다.
6월 22, 2023
신규 버전


  • Common
    • Material 3 theme - Material 3 theme has been added with light and dark variants to all Syncfusion ASP.NET MVC UI controls.
    • Preview to production-ready controls:
      • Image Editor.
      • Skeleton.
  • Carousel
    • Swipe and drag slides.
    • Indicator customization.
  • Charts
    • Title position - It is now possible to position the chart title to the left, right, or bottom of the chart.
    • Pareto line customization - It is now possible to customize the pareto axis and line in terms of marker, width, dasharray, and color.
    • Cross Marker - Added support for a cross-shaped marker to the data points in the chart.
    • Scroll bar customization - It is now possible to customize the axis scrollbar by changing its color and height, and also provided support to disable zooming in the scrollbar.
    • Zoom Toolbar - Added support for displaying a zoom toolbar for the chart on initial load, which allows users to zoom in on the chart.
  • DataManager
    • Persistence support for data processing - This feature improves the synchronization of components that are bound through DataManager by persistently storing data processing that occurs within a single component.
  • DatePicker, DateRangePicker, DateTimePicker
    • Added full-screen view support for mobile devices.
  • Diagram
    • Added vertical orientation support for mind maps.
  • Word Processor
    • Character spacing and scaling - You can scale your text up to make it easier to read, or scale it down to save space.
    • Link to previous header/footer - This feature allows users to link or unlink the header and footer of the previous section to the current section in a Microsoft Word document. This can be useful if you want to create a consistent look across your document, or if you want to create different headers and footers for each section in the Word document.
    • Alternate text for image - This feature allows users to add alternative text (alt text) for images in Word documents.
  • Microsoft Excel Library
    • Excel-to-Image conversion enhancement - The Excel-to-image converter now supports the gradient fill style for cells and charts. With the help of this feature, the gradient fill applied in the Excel document will be preserved in the resultant image.
  • Gantt Chart
    • UI improvement in taskbar editing - When resizing or moving a taskbar by dragging, a virtual element is now displayed until the taskbar is dropped. This improvement provides users with a visual representation of the changes they are making to the taskbar, allowing for more precise editing and enhancing overall usability.
  • Grid
    • Preserving expand/collapse state.
    • Row drag and drop with grouping.
    • Responsive pager.
    • Added support for DateOnly.
  • Image Editor
    • Added quick access toolbar support.
    • Added Path support.
    • Added Arrow support.
  • Kanban
    • Virtual scrolling - Enhancements to the virtual scrolling feature include dynamic loading for on-demand data retrieval, smooth scrolling animations, adaptive rendering for different devices, customization options for scroll behavior and appearance, accessibility improvements for screen readers, and overall performance optimizations.
  • PDF Library
    • Find and extract RTL text.
    • Digital signature enhancements:
      • You can now pass a wide range of signature standards with an improved standard of LTV-enabled signature.
      • You can now use a new API to specify the revocation type while signing the PDF document with LTV.
      • Added the ability to retrieve the revocation details from a PDF document.
      • You can now use a new API to get revisions of digital signatures from PDF documents.
  • Pivot Table
    • Server-side Microsoft Excel export - In addition to server-side engine support, the Pivot Table now supports server-side export, allowing users to easily export pivot table data to Excel or CSV files.
  • Microsoft PowerPoint Library
    • Find using regex - Users can find a pattern of text in all PowerPoint slides or a specific slide and replace or highlight it.
    • PowerPoint-to-PDF conversion enhancements - The Syncfusion PowerPoint Library has been enhanced to improve the rendering of colors from theme overrides in an input PowerPoint presentation.
  • Rich Text Editor
    • Format painter - The format painter in the Rich Text Editor is a powerful tool that allows users to quickly copy and apply formatting to different sections of text.
    • Emoji picker - This feature in the editor provides users with a convenient way to insert emojis into their content.
  • Scheduler
    • Recurrence editor customization - Added an option to set end dates (until, ends on, or never) for recurrence events. It allows users to personalize the recurrence editor according to their specific requirements and preferences.
  • Range Slider
    • Reversible Range Slider - Added support for displaying the slide range in reverse, such as 100 to 1. With this feature, users can set a maximum value that is less than the minimum value. This feature is available for all range and numeric sliders.
  • Stock Charts
    • Tooltip position - Added support for enabling the tooltip for data to move along with the mouse as it is being moved.
  • Microsoft Visual Studio Extension
    • Latest NuGet package notification - To keep Syncfusion NuGet packages up to date in the Microsoft ASP.NET MVC application, users will be notified when a new version of the package is available. This message will alert users of the latest enhancements, bug fixes, and optimizations offered. Upgrading to the latest version ensures seamless integration and improved performance in ASP.NET MVC projects.
    • Latest Essential Studio build notification - If an older version of the Syncfusion assemblies is referred to in the ASP.NET MVC application, users will receive a notification when a new version of the Essential Studio build is available. Updating to the new build will provide access to the most recent features, enhancements, and important updates, maximizing the capabilities of ASP.NET MVC development projects.
  • Microsoft Word Library
    • Word-to-PDF conversion enhancements:
      • Improved rendering of rotated shapes with horizontal and vertical alignment in an input Word document.
      • Improved justification algorithm to align the last line of paragraphs in PDFs.
Rich Text Editor and DataGrid

Syncfusion Essential Studio ASP.NET MVC

포괄적인 UI는 ASP.NET MVC 용 라이브러리를 제어합니다.

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