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Syncfusion Essential Studio ASP.NET MVC 2023 Volume 3
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9월 15, 2023
신규 버전
Global animation - Easily toggle animations on and off across ASP.NET MVC controls from one point, streamlining your user interface for better control.
Virtual scrolling - Virtual scrolling support for the AutoComplete control now enables users to navigate large lists of options efficiently without the need to load all items at once.
Cylindrical chart - Column or bar charts can now display data as cylindrical-shaped items.
Synchronized chart - Users can now synchronize tooltips, zooming and panning, crosshairs, highlight, and selection features across numerous charts.
Title style - Users can now add a background and border to the chart title and subtitle.
Microsoft Excel export - Users can now export chart data to Excel in a table format.
Export to multiple pages - The Chart's enhanced PDF export feature now facilitates exporting charts from the web page onto multiple pages within a PDF document.
Virtual scrolling - Virtual scrolling support for the ComboBox control enables users to navigate large lists of options efficiently without the need to load all items at once. This feature enhances user experience for applications with long lists of options.
Word Processor
Table title and description - Users now have the ability to add or modify the title and description of a table in a Microsoft Word document using the Syncfusion Word Processor.
Dropdown List
Virtual scrolling - Virtual scrolling support for the Dropdown List control enables users to navigate large lists of options efficiently without the need to load all items at once.
Excel Library
What-If Analysis with Scenario Manager - The Excel (XlsIO) library now supports the scenario manager in what-if analysis. This allows you to create scenarios with different sets of values for specific cells in the worksheet, and then apply those scenarios to see how the results change. Users can do the following using the scenario manager:
Create scenarios with different sets of values and apply them to view the forecast results.
Protect or hide the scenarios to prevent users from changing them.
Threaded comments - The Excel (XlsIO) library now supports threaded comments, allowing multiple users to add comments or reply to the existing comments in an Excel document.
Excel to PDF enhancements - The following enhancements have been made in the Excel to PDF conversion.
Gradient fill support in the data bar type conditional formatting.
Support for converting threaded comments.
Excel to image enhancement - The Excel (XlsIO) library now supports auto shapes during the Excel to image conversion. All the supported shapes in XlsIO will be preserved in the converted image.
File Manager
Toolbar customization - The File Manager now allows direct customization of toolbar items with icons, text, and tooltips.
Gantt Chart
On-demand data loading or lazy loading - Load data from remote web services as and when needed to the Gantt Chart component. With the virtual scrolling feature, users can retrieve data from remote services for the current viewport alone and the remaining data can be retrieved on-demand when scrolling.
Single-page exporting - Users can now export Gantt Chart data to PDF in a single-page format.
Baseline support in PDF export - Enhanced PDF export in the Gantt Chart to include baseline taskbar which helps you view the changes between planned dates and actual dates of the tasks in the exported document.
Enhancements in frozen rows and columns functionality - Along with the traditional frozen rows and columns feature, you can now lock columns in place while scrolling horizontally. Compatibility has been added for the following:
Row template.
Infinite scrolling with cache mode.
Freeze direction in the stacked header allows column reordering.
Frozen rows and columns with column virtualization.
Export multiple grids to the same page - Users now have the ability to export multiple grids to page-level Excel and PDF files, supporting both client-side and server-side exporting.
Export the grid with column template and detail template - Users can now export the grid with template columns, which may contain images, hyperlinks, and customized text to Excel and PDF files.
Export the grid with group caption template - Users can now export the grid with customized text defined in the group caption row using a caption template to Excel and PDF files.
Data operations with Dynamic or Expando object binding - Added support for data operations and editing in ExpandoObject/DynamicObject data binding.
HeatMap Chart
Label template - To add more information to HeatMap cells, users can now add custom elements like text, tables, images, and so on.
Image Editor
Image annotation - Added the ability for users to insert and display multiple images in addition to the main image they are editing. These image annotations can be used for various purposes, such as adding logos, watermarks, or decorative elements to the image.
Resize - Users can now adjust the size and dimensions of an image to suit their needs, such as printing, web display, or other purposes.
Frame - Users can now add decorative borders or frames around images. Frames can enhance the visual appeal of an image.
Data label animation - An animated transition will now occur on the initial rendering of data labels and not during any dynamic updates.
PDF Library
PDF-to-image conversion - You can now convert PDF documents to images without opening the document in the PDF Viewer control. It supports various customizations, such as setting a transparent background and removing annotations from a specific page or range of pages.
Digital signature enhancement - The following enhancements have been made to the digital signature functionality of the PDF Library:
An API to get the OCSP/CRL details from the embedded timestamp.
Extract images from the digital signature in the PDF document.
Text-only redaction - Users can now selectively redact text within a PDF document. This means that graphics or images beneath the text will remain unaffected by redaction.
Remove document information - Users now have the option to effortlessly eliminate document details like title, author, subject, keywords, and other metadata information.
Retrieve image rotation information from a PDF document using the OCR processor - Users can now obtain image rotation angles from the OCR processor after performing OCR on a PDF document. With this functionality, users can easily identify rotated images within the PDF and make necessary adjustments to straighten them.
HTML-to-PDF conversion enhancements - The following enhancements have been made to the HTML-to-PDF converter:
Users can now add HTML content as a header and footer within the converter.
Users can now include their own custom CSS and JS while converting HTML to PDF.
BlinkBinaries has been updated to the latest version [114.0.5735.199] for Microsoft Windows, Linux, and Apple Mac.
Users can now recycle the browser process between conversions to improve performance during HTML-to-PDF conversions.
PDF Viewer
Standalone PDF Viewer - The PDF Viewer component now allows users to view, edit, print, and download PDF files without the web service dependency in Microsoft ASP.NET MVC applications.
Pivot Table
Setting column width during PDF export - Users can now set the width of each pivot table column when exporting to a PDF document.
Microsoft PowerPoint Library
Convert PowerPoint animations to images - The .NET PowerPoint library now allows you to convert PowerPoint slides into images based on the sequence of entrance animations applied to each element in the slide. With this, you can showcase the converted images as a slideshow in your custom PowerPoint Viewer.
Ribbon (preview)
Built-in group button item - In addition to the existing built-in items, a group button item has been added to the Ribbon control. It allows users to group multiple button items and supports both single and multiple selections.
Backstage support - The backstage view, in addition to the traditional file menu, is now supported in the Ribbon control. It displays information such as application settings, user information, etc. The backstage options are displayed on the left, while the content of each option is shown on the right.
Rich Text Editor
Quick format toolbar for text - The Rich Text Editor now includes quick toolbar support for text elements. When selecting a text within the content of the Editor, the quick format toolbar becomes visible.
On-demand data loading or lazy loading - Added the ability for users to retrieve events from remote services for the current view port alone and retrieve the remaining data on demand when scrolling, improving the performance and usability of the Scheduler component.
Editor window customization - Users can now customize the header and footer of the built-in editor window.
Alert dialog for invalid formula - When an invalid formula is entered, the Spreadsheet now displays an error alert dialog.
Improved cut/paste performance - Cut and paste actions in the Spreadsheet will now be faster than earlier versions.
Improved scrolling performance with conditional formatting - Users can now experience smooth scrolling with multiple conditional formatting set in the Spreadsheet, which is faster than earlier versions.
Stock Chart
Date-time category axis - Added support for a new date-time category axis to display only business days.
Microsoft Excel export - Users can now export chart data to Excel in a table format.
Tree Grid
Server-side exporting - Users can now export tree grid data to a PDF or Excel document on the server side using server export libraries.
Word Library
Compare Word documents - The Syncfusion .NET Word Library now allows you to compare two DOCX-format documents and highlight the changes, such as insertions, deletions, and formatting, as tracked changes. With this feature, you can easily identify the changes between two versions of a document.