ONLYOFFICE Docs v7.5.0

주석, 양식 채우기, 코멘트 및 그리기를 지원하는 새로운 PDF 편집기를 추가합니다.
10월 19, 2023
신규 버전


  • New PDF Editor - Supports annotations (including text highlight, underline and strikethrough), form filling, comments and drawing.
  • What’s new in Document Editor
    • Automatic hyphenation - Allows you to author documents without having to manually hyphenate words at the end of lines. And when you change margins, the words will automatically hyphenate when needed.
    • Smart Paragraph Selection - If this setting is enabled and the entire paragraph is selected - but without a paragraph symbol - this symbol is automatically added to the selection.
    • Removing Content Controls when Editing - When you enable and then change the contents of the inserted control element, the control itself will be automatically deleted, but its contents will remain.
  • What’s new in Spreadsheets
    • Keeping Applied CSV Delimiter - When opening CSV files, the last selected settings - delimiter and encoding - are saved in local storage.
    • Breaks - Insert page breaks to easily divide a worksheet into separate pages for printing.
    • Display Relationships Between Formulas and Cells - Graphically display and trace the relationships between cells and formulas with tracer arrows.
    • Add images to Headers and Footers - Customize top and bottom margins in your spreadsheets by adding a picture, logo, etc.
    • Improved Pivot Tables - Version 7.5 comes with the ability to set the number format via Field settings.
    • Drag-n-Drop - You are now able to move rows and columns within a spreadsheet using drag-n-drop.
  • What’s new in Presentations
    • Morph - A new transition type which allows you to animate smooth movement from one slide to the next. It can be applied to objects, words and letters.
    • Updated Header/Footer Settings - These are now adjusted via two sections - Slide and Notes and Handouts - for more convenient arrangement of the corresponding elements in your presentations.



ONLYOFFICE Docs Developer Edition

나만의 응용프로그램을 이용해 온라인 브라우저에서 문서를 편집, 공유 및 공동 작업할 수 있습니다.

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