Actipro SyntaxEditor for WPF 24.1.3
Released: Sep 10, 2024
24.1.3 버젼 업데이트
- Updated all key processing to consistently handle modifier keys.
- Updated the logic for pasting a full line when there is a selection to match current Visual Studio editor behavior.
- Updated IntelliPrompt completion session logic for canceling the session if the placement bounds are no longer in view.
- Updated data bindings to the SyntaxEditor.Text property to support OneWay mode.
- Updated hit test logic.
- .NET Languages Add-on
- Updated IntelliPrompt tips to include documentation comment remarks sections, if available.
- Updated the Roslyn binary assembly loading logic.
- Updated C# context factory logic related to range operators.
- Fixed an issue where the IntelliPrompt completion list might cover the caret when very near the left edge of the screen.