Dynamsoft Barcode Reader 7.1

Released: Aug 15, 2019

7.1 버젼 업데이트


  • Added automatic blurry frame filtering for video frame decoding, reducing incorrect barcode recognition.
  • Added three arguments for the CICM_GENERAL of ColourConversionModes to set the weights for the color conversion, providing more flexibility to deal with various kinds of backgrounds by using different weights of three colors: red, green and blue.
  • For C/C++ - Added a new struct FrameDecodingParameters, added methods DBR_InitFrameDecodingParameters()/InitFrameDecodingParameters(), and DBR_StartFrameDecodingEx()/StartFrameDecodingEx() to start a new thread to decode barcodes.
  • For .NET - Added a new struct FrameDecodingParameters, added methods InitFrameDecodingParameters(), and StartFrameDecodingEx() to start a new thread to decode barcodes.
  • The output of intermediate results can be saved either directly to a folder or to memory or both, by introducing a new parameter, intermediateResultSavingMode, to the struct PublicRuntimeSettings.


  • Updated PDF component to v10.3.2.0806.
  • Fixed a bug that the deblur function might malfunction in some rare cases.
  • Fixed a bug that the coordinates of barcodes may be calculated incorrectly under some situations.
  • Fixed a bug that the parameter, RequireStartStopChars, might malfunction in some rare cases.
  • Fixed a bug that the angle of barcodes might not be calculated correctly sometimes.
  • Fixed a bug that GetIntermediateResults would throw exception “Value cannot be null.\r\nParameter name: destination”(for .NET version).
  • Fixed a misspelling on Dynamsoft.Barcode.EnumBinarizationMode.BM_LOCAL_BLCOK(for .NET version).