dotUltimate 2024.2.5
Released: Sep 20, 2024
2024.2.5 버젼 업데이트
- Razor Development: Basic symbol tooltip does not work.
- Fixed bug live\surrounding template statistics.
- ReSharper aggressively creates all editor margins, causing failures in deferred ones.
- Regression: Can't suppress PossibleMultipleEnumeration.
- Code parsing and navigation fails in Rider after opening a solution.
- Command-N no longer opens Add / New menu after upgrading.
- 'New in This Directory' keyboard shortcut not working.
- Go to declaration doesn't scroll to actual method, just opens file first time.
- Unable to save settings.
- Version Control: Local Changes dialog no longer shows diffs.
- Can't create new unit testing template via "template explorer" on MacOS.
- Code highlighting randomly disappears.
- Solution loading stuck in NuGetDotnetToolsTrackerBase.
- Fix Find Usages for GDScript.
- Search bar in the solution view: Delete and Backspace buttons do not work as expected.
- Intellisense is broken exactly after Rider startup.
- Editing .sln file leads to inability to work further in Split/RemDev mode.
- Go to definition of external code opens the file but does not scroll to the definition.
- Can't choose method where to step in Smart Step into.
- Opening a solution takes several minutes after upgrading to 2024.2.
- Rider Internal Error On Startup.
- Process cancellation in console (Ctrl + C) is no longer working in Rider 2024.2.3.
- Qodana analysis freezes Rider for a long time.
- No interruption during refactoring action group expand.
- Slow context menu/popup appearance when the backend is busy.