dotUltimate 2024.3
Released: Nov 13, 2024
2024.3 버젼 업데이트
ReSharper 2024.3
- ReSharper 2024.3 introduces comprehensive support for C# 13 features, including params collections, partial properties, a new lock type, and the field keyword. The update enhances code cleanup with improved performance and flexible formatting options and adds more precise naming conventions. Multiline To-do comments and tooltip colorization improve code readability and organization. C++ support has been bolstered with new features for Unreal Engine development, alongside improvements to performance and Clang interoperability.
ReSharper C++ 2024.3
- ReSharper C++ 2024.3 improves performance in large solutions, implements new C++23 and C23 features, and introduces the Move to Folder refactoring. In Unreal Engine projects, ReSharper C++ now offers code completion for gameplay tags and logging macro arguments, along with enhanced support for delegates.
Rider 2024.3
- Rider 2024.3 delivers support for Microsoft .NET 9, including such C# 13 enhancements as params collections, partial properties, and the preview field keyword. The Windows Forms Designer is now available for .NET 6+ projects, along with an advanced debugging capability to freeze and unfreeze individual threads. Game developers will be happy to see console debugging for Unreal Engine, IL2CPP debugging for Unity, and improved Godot support. This release also brings expanded AI Assistant functionality, including in-editor AI prompts and customizable chat models. Enhancements for code cleanup, naming conventions, and remote development round out the release.
dotMemory 2024.3
- Unified UI across all operating systems for a consistent experience.
- Reintroduced Creation Stack Trace and Back Traces views for memory issue identification.
- New Icicle chart for dominator visualization and Sunburst chart for the Call Tree view on all OS.
dotTrace 2024.3
- Undo/Redo actions and filter history support for easier navigation through profiling sessions.
dotPeek 2024.3
- IL Viewer support for assembly manifests in the decompiler.
- Support for primary constructors in decompiled code.
dotCover 2024.3
- Stability improvements and bug fixes.