DevExpress WPF 18.1

Released: May 17, 2018

18.1 버젼 업데이트


  • Accordion Control
    • Navigation Pane Mode - A new Navigation Pane mode allows you to create an Outlook-inspired side bar panel and integrate it with the WPF Office Navigation Bar control.
  • Chart Control
    • Custom Units of Measurement - You can now aggregate data by a custom unit of measurement (e.g. 15 minutes, 4 hours, etc.) You can also define a custom function that aggregates values using custom rules without modifying the source collection.
    • Crosshair Cursor Enhancements - New features include:
      • Display values of series points that are selected by the Crosshair Cursor in a legend.
      • Crosshair Cursor Lines (argument and value) follow the mouse cursor simultaneously.
      • The ability to display the Crosshair Cursor in the exported/printed chart.
      • The ability to display any data source field value within the Crosshair Cursor's Label.
    • Top N and Others - With this release, you can limit the amount of information displayed by a chart and visualize data more effectively. You can adjust the number of points included in the Top N group. All other points will be aggregated into the "Others" group.
    • Multi-Select Enhancements - You can select multiple items by drawing a rectangular region with the CTRL key pressed.
  • Data Editors
    • On Demand ItemsSource Initialization - With this release, DevExpress WPF Data Editors that use source collections (e.g. ComboBoxEdit, LookUpEdit, ListBoxEdit), no longer process the entire source collection at startup. Data editors traverse through source items until the selected item is found. This significantly improves startup time for forms with editors bound to large source collections.
    • TrackBarEdit - Custom Ticks and Steps - In v18.1, the WPF TrackBarEdit exposes new collections that allow you to define custom ticks and steps. For example, you can create a track bar with non-linear steps to better control zoom factors.
    • SVG Validation Icons - This release includes new SVG icons for validation error indication (used by the WPF Data Editors).
    • Token Editors - Show Selected Items - The lookup editors in Token selection mode (ComboBoxEdit and LookUpEdit) can now keep selected items visible in a popup.
  • Data Grid Control
    • Server-Side Data Processing with Any Data Source - This release introduces support for virtual data sources. With these sources, the WPF Data Grid can be bound to any data source, even if the record count is unknown. The Grid control only requests top N records and allows you to implement the required data operations supported by your data source.
    • Data Paging - v18.1 introduces Page Navigation for those who prefer to display and load data page by page. The new Data Pager supports all data source types and can be used on a standalone basis.
    • Performance Enhancements - Data summary and conditional formatting rules are now calculated much faster. Summary recalculations have been optimized by restricting recalculations to those items that have been affected by a property change.
    • Data Shaping Enhancements (ICollectionView) - When working with ICollectionView sources, the WPF Grid control delegates all data management operations (sorting, filtering, grouping) to ICollectionView. which imposes some limitations on core grid features. With this release, you can overcome all ICollectionView limitations. Simply disable the 'AllowCollectionView' option, and allow our WPF Grid to perform all data management operations.
  • Data Grid & Tree List
    • Band Separators - With this release, the WPF Data Grid and TreeList controls display thick band separators. You can specify separator color and thickness. You can also specify different appearance settings for root and nested band separators.
    • Nested Property Notifications - The DevExpress WPF Data Grid and TreeList controls can automatically update individual cells, sorting, grouping, filtering, and summary when nested property values change.
    • Best Fit Enhancements - The WPF Data Grid and TreeList controls now offer a 'Best Fit' option for Band headers. Best Fit calculates and applies the optimal width required for a band to fully display its contents. This functionality is available for end-users and via the Grid's API.
    • Scrolling Performance - Vertical scrolling has been optimized. It is now 15% faster.
    • INotifyDataErrorInfo Validation Support - The WPF Data Grid and TreeList controls automatically display validation errors within data source objects that implement INotifyDataErrorInfo. Unlike IDataErrorInfo, the INotifyDataErrorInfo interface notifies bound UI controls when a validation error occurs within a data source.
    • Retain Scroll Position - The DevExpress WPF Data Grid and TreeList controls ship with a new option that helps the Grid retain scroll position when updating data. This behavior is supported by all data update types (add/remove, data sorting, full data refresh), and has been designed not to impact performance.
    • Document Scaling - This release introduces document scaling for the WPF Data Grid, TreeList, Pivot Grid and Chart controls. Scaling allows you scale down an oversized control to fit the paper's width, or scale up the control to print it across multiple sheets of paper.
  • Dialogs
    • Folder Browser and Open/Save File Dialogs - The DevExpress WPF Open File, Save File and Folder Browser Dialogs were first released as a community technology preview in v17.2. This update marks their official release. New enhancements include:
      • Breadcrumbs.
      • Ability to select folders using the Open File Dialog.
      • Localization Support.
  • Docking UI
    • Performance Enhancements - This release includes performance enhancements designed to render dock panels faster.
      • Dock/Undock operations are now 10% faster.
      •  A new option (LogicalTreeStructure) allows panel content to remain in the same logical tree, preventing redundant updates. This makes dock panels dock/undock 2 times faster.
      • 'Restore Layout' is also significantly faster.
    • Miscellaneous Enhancements
      • Ability to specify a panel's auto-hide position relative to another panel or group.
      • Ability to customize a context menu for individual layout items.
      • Dock Panels can be activated using logical or keyboard focus.
  • MVVM Framework
    • New Expression Evaluation Engine - With this release, the DXBinding, DXEvent, and DXCommand extensions use a new expression evaluation engine by default. Expressions are now initialized up to 2 times faster. The new Expression Evaluation Engine provides the following features:
      • Dynamic Typing.
      • No casting is required to compare or return values.
      • Ability to create objects using the ‘new’ operator.
      • Ability to assign values using the equals (=) operator in DXCommand and DXEvent.
  • Pivot Grid Control
    • Performance Enhancements - The following features are now processed by the pivot grid in Optimized Mode:
      • Drill-Down
      • Unbound Expressions
    • Lightweight Templates - With this release, the DevExpress WPF Pivot Grid uses lightweight templates for cells and headers by default. Lightweight templates simplify the Pivot Grid's visual tree, thus improving the grid's loading, scrolling, etc.
  • Ribbon and Toolbars
    • Ribbon Control - Simplified Markup - You no longer need to declare the default page category to add Ribbon pages. Pages can be added to a Ribbon Control directly. Use the page's CategoryName property to specify a category.
  • Rich Text Editor
    • Microsoft Word Inspired Formatting and Layout - Enhanced layout and formatting accuracy when displaying, printing and exporting documents. DPI settings are also no longer an issue.
    • Checkbox Form Fields - With this release, the WinForms and WPF Rich Text Editors can load documents with checkboxes. End-users can toggle checkbox state, save, print or export the result.
    • Automatic Document Format Identification - With this release, if a document is loaded from a file or stream programmatically, the DevExpress WPF RichEditControl automatically identifies the document's format based on its content.
    • Print API - The RichEditControl now includes a Print method that allows you to print documents using default or custom printer settings.
  • Scheduler Control
    • Outlook Inspired ResourceTree Control (CTP) - This release includes a community preview of our new ResourceTree Control. As its name implies, the control displays Scheduler Resource Items using a tree UI metaphor.
    • TimelineView - Resource Auto Height - The WPF Scheduler's TimelineView can now automatically resize resources to fit all appointments.
  • Spreadsheet Control
    • Spreadsheet Shapes - From simple lines and rectangles, to banners and callouts, the WinForms and WPF Spreadsheet controls now support all shape types.
    • Custom Colors for Individual Chart Series Points - With this release, the WinForms and WPF Spreadsheet controls can display, print and export worksheets with charts that contain series points with custom colors.
    • Formula AutoComplete - The WinForms and WPF Spreadsheet controls now support Formula AutoComplete. This feature can help prevent spelling or syntax errors by providing a list of function names, defined names and table names that match the characters you enter into a formula.
    • Miscellaneous Enhancements
      • Automatic Document Format Identification: With this release, if a document is loaded from a file without specifying its format, the Spreadsheet control automatically identifies the document's format based on its content (regardless of filename extension).
      • A new 'Print' method allows you to print an entire document or an individual sheet using default or custom printer settings.
  • Themes
    • Lightweight Templates for Standard WPF Controls - With this release, our Office2016SE and VS2017 themes use lightweight templates to render standard WPF controls. New templates contain fewer visual elements and support appearance customization properties (BorderBrush, BorderThickness, Background, etc.). Lightweight templates are supported by the following WPF controls: Button, TextBox, ListBox, CheckBox, ProgressBar, Slider, ScrollViewer and TreeView.
  • Tree List
    • API Enhancements - The WPF TreeList control's new API includes:
      • Ability to add new nodes.
      • Ability to change fitter settings before a filter is applied by a user (the SubstituteFilter event).
      • Skip the calculation process in the CustomSummary event (the TotalValueReady property).
      • Update a node's position immediately after its data has been modified (the ImmediateUpdateRowPosition property).
  • Windows UI
    • Application Bar - Appearance Customization - With this release, you can customize the Application Bar's border using the BorderBrush and BorderThickness properties.