DevExpress 15.2.10 released

Released: Jun 1, 2016

15.2.10 버젼 업데이트


  • eXpressApp Framework
    • GridListEditor - Updating values of dependent columns immediately after changing data in columns whose ImmediatePostData attribute is set to True in an editable ListView.
    • PivotChart Module - Enabling DataView mode in the analysis editor.
    • Validation - How to enable the row auto-height functionality in the validation results views.
  • MVVM Framework
    • Fluent API - Provide the capability to specify more than one validation rule for a single property.
    • MvvmContext - Provide a special event that fires when ViewModel is added.
  • PDF Processing (Common)
    • Rendering - Support transparency groups.
  • Report Server
    • Report Designer - Provide the capability to reuse predefined XRControl sets (control templates).
  • XtraBars Suite
    • AdornerUIManager - Provide an option to show a badge inside a BarLargeButtonItem in full size .
    • Bar - Provide an option to manage the speed of bar collapsing and expanding.
    • RibbonControl - Provide the capability to align items in a Ribbon Page Group.
  • XtraEditors Library
    • SimpleButton - Provide the AutoSize functionality to correctly show the control's Caption when the TouchUIMode property is enabled.
    • SimpleButton - Provide the capability to set paddings.
  • XtraReports Suite
    • Export to HTML - Support inline CSS styles.
    • RTF Export - Provide the capability to generate an RTF document with a fixed line height when SingleFile export mode is used.
  • XtraSpreadsheet
    • Provide the capability to define each column type for the CSV import process.