Infragistics Ignite UI for Angular 릴리스

Released: Nov 30, 2022

15.0.1 버젼 업데이트


  • IgxGrid
    • Added new auto-sizing API 'recalculateAutoSizes' that recalculates column widths that have size set to auto. Can be used in scenarios where you want to auto-size columns post initialization.
  • igxPivotGrid
    • Added 'aggregatorName' for pivot value configuration as an alternative to setting aggregator function. If both are set 'aggregatorName' takes precedent. If none are set an error is thrown.
  • IgxSimpleCombo
    • Behavioral Change
      • When the user clicks on the combo's input, the dropdown now...

Released: Oct 26, 2022

15.0.0 버젼 업데이트


  • igxGrid - Exposed new input properties:
    • Parameters in grid templates now have types for their context. This can also cause issues if the app is in strict template mode and uses the wrong type. References to the template that may require conversion:
      • IgxColumnComponent - ColumnType (for example the column parameter in igxFilterCellTemplate).
      • IgxGridCell - CellType (for example the cell parameter in igxCell template).
    • A new groupRecord parameter has been exposed in operate method, that is an...

Released: Sep 30, 2022

14.2.0 버젼 업데이트


  • The filtering logic inside the grid's Advanced Filtering is now extracted as a separate IgxQueryBuilder component. The Query Builder allows you to build complex queries by specifying AND/OR operators, conditions and values using the UI. It outputs an object describing the structure of the query. Use the locale property to modify the locale settings. The default value is resolved to the global Angular application locale. The resourceStrings allow you to change the displayed strings...

Released: Jul 9, 2022

14.1.0 버젼 업데이트



  • Added the option to template pivot value chip content.
  • Angular Pivot Grid State Persistence - Тhe igxGridState directive allows developers to easily save and restore the grid state. When the IgxGridState directive is applied on the grid, it exposes the getState and setState methods that developers can use to achieve state persistence in any scenario. IgxGridState directive supports saving and restoring the state of the following features:
    • Sorting.
    • Filtering.
    • Cell Selection.
    • Row...

Released: Jun 15, 2022

14.0.0 버젼 업데이트



  • Added support for Angular 14.


  • Migrations now support Yarn berry (version 2+).


  • Added new inputs to show/hide the edit and delete buttons - editRow, deleteRow.


  • Behavioral Change - Both scroll buttons are now displayed when the tabs are not fully visible. When there is no tabs to be scrolled in one of the directions the corresponding scroll button is now disabled.

Locale settings

  • IgxDatePicker and IgxDateRangePicker now expose a weekStart input...

Released: Apr 8, 2022

13.2.0 버젼 업데이트



  • IgxPivotGrid:
    • Breaking Change - Changed the IPivotValue's formatter and styles functions optional parameters.
    • First optional parameter rowData is now of type IPivotGridRecord and contains more contextual information on the dimension and aggregation values. Previously it contained just the aggregation data object.
    • Also an additional optional columnData parameter can be added, which contains information on the column dimensions.
  • IgxExpansionPanel:
    • Changed the expansion panel layout by...

Released: Mar 2, 2022

13.1.0 버젼 업데이트


  • Added Angular Pivot Grid component - This component displays data in a pivot table that helps you perform complex analysis.
    • You can use it to configure and display your data in a multi-dimensional pivot table structure.
    • The rows and columns represent distinct data groups and the data cell values represent aggregations. This allows complex data analysis based on a simple flat data set.
    • The IgxPivotGridComponent is a feature-rich pivot table that provides easy configuration of different...

Released: Nov 23, 2021

13.0.0 버젼 업데이트


Added full support for Angular 13.

  • Added IgxStepper component - A highly customizable component that visualizes content as a process and shows its progress by dividing the content into chronological steps. The API has been exposed to control features like step validation, styling, orientation and easy-to-use keyboard navigation.
  • IgxFocusTrap directive - Added IgxFocusTrap directive which traps the Tab key focus within an element.
  • Added IgxSimpleComboComponent - A modification of the igx-combo...

Released: Oct 4, 2021

12.2.0 버젼 업데이트


Angular Grids: Grid, Tree Grid and Hierarchical Grid

  • Angular grid row styling - Added support for conditional styling of rows based on custom rules.
  • Add row at the top of the grid - Added the ability to programmatically spawn the add row UI by using two different public methods. One that accepts a row ID for specifying the row under which the UI should spawn and another that works by index. You can use these methods to spawn the UI anywhere within the current data view.
    (Changing the page or...

Released: Jul 28, 2021

12.1.0 버젼 업데이트


  • Improved Angular Docs Look and Feel
    • Fast and precise access to relevant information using new global search.
    • Improved page load time and added a clear navigation structure that helps readers locate information quickly.

Angular Components

  • Angular Accordion Component - A GUI component for building vertical expandable panels with clickable headers and associated content sections, displayed in a single container.
  • Angular Pagination Component - The Pagination component enables the user to select a...