Iocomp .NET WinForms Ultra Pack V5 SP1

Released: Nov 18, 2016

V5 SP1 버젼 업데이트


  • Upgraded PlotDataCursorChannel to support pointer movement using the Left and Right keyboard arrow keys. When the data-cursor is configured for the Period or Frequency style, hold the CTRL key down to move second pointer (Pointer2).
  • Added HideHintOnDrag property to the PlotDataCursorChannel object. Useful when you have the SnapToDataPoint option enabled, and you do not wish to display interpolated values when dragging the data-cursor to a new data-point.
  • Added MarginLeft, MarginRight, MarginTop, and MarginBottom properties to the BorderControl class. The BorderControl class is used by all visual Iocomp controls. The legacy Margin property is applied to all sides of the control equally and it is added to the MarginXXX property of a specific side (Ex. Margin =5 and MarginLeft = 3 results in a margin-left total of 8 pixels).
  • Added ExponentShort style to TextFormatDoubleAll class. This class is used by the Plot control and various scale based gauge controls. Allows for a shorter formatting of the exponent text by removing unnecessary 0's in the exponent power (Ex. 5.0e+2 vs 5.0e+002).


  • Fixed Property-Editor opening issue. The issue would display an error dialog... "Unable to load one or more of the requested types".
  • Fixed Plot control Legend layout issue. When the legend was placed at the bottom of the data-view, depending on how it was configured, would result in unnecessary spacing being added to the bottom. In some cases, a large amount of white-space was reserved.