Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2022

Professional developer tools and services for individual developers or small teams.

Microsoft사에서 공개

버젼: 2022 4.50 별점 평균 리뷰4.50 별점 평균 리뷰4.50 별점 평균 리뷰4.50 별점 평균 리뷰4.50 별점 평균 리뷰 (6)


On December 31, 2021 Microsoft discontinued their 2-Year Open Business licensing plans for Visual Studio/MSDN for new licenses and renewals. After 30-Dec-2021, New Visual Studio licenses are 3 Year Open Licenses. For renewals of existing 2 year subscription licenses, Microsoft is allowing customers that haven’t expired to renew their subscriptions to the 3-year Open Value license plan, as they...

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On December 31, 2021 Microsoft discontinued their 2-Year Open Business licensing plans for Visual Studio/MSDN for new licenses and renewals. After 30-Dec-2021, New Visual Studio licenses are 3 Year Open Licenses. For renewals of existing 2 year subscription licenses, Microsoft is allowing customers that haven’t expired to renew their subscriptions to the 3-year Open Value license plan, as they near expiration.

Microsoft Visual Studio Subscriptions are available in the following editions:

Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2022 리뷰

평균 리뷰 스코어: 4.5 (6)

5 등급에서 4.5

5 등급
4 등급
3 등급
2 등급
1 등급

가장 최근의 긍정적인 리뷰

Fred Peters 미국5 등급

For a Microsoft developer this is the foremost software development system. The features keep increasing with each release.

가장 최근의 중요 리뷰

이 제품에 대한 부정적인 리뷰가 없습니다.
이름 보류 구매하신 고객님영국5 등급
이름 보류 구매하신 고객님미국4 등급

Was easy to buy. Received Microsoft approval almost immediately and I was able to set my new account in my existing Visual Studio without issues. I was back up and working in no time.

이름 보류 구매하신 고객님영국4 등급
Jamie Irwin 구매하신 고객님미국4 등급
Fred Peters 구매하신 고객님미국5 등급

For a Microsoft developer this is the foremost software development system. The features keep increasing with each release.

DavidB 구매하신 고객님미국5 등급

It was very easy to purchase.