PDFView4NET Windows Forms Edition
귀하의 .NET 애플리케이션에 PDF 보기를 추가합니다.
O2 Solutions사에서 공개
2004년 부터 ComponentSource에서 판매중
PDFView4NET Windows Forms Edition is a .NET toolkit for displaying and printing PDF files in .NET applications. It includes a PDF viewer control for Windows Forms and a .NET library for rendering and printing PDF files from any .NET application. The PDF viewer control for Windows Forms includes support for annotating PDF files, bookmarks navigation, adding and removing file attachments and other features. O2S PDFView4NET Windows Forms Edition includes its own PDF rendering engine and it does not rely on any other software for rendering and printing PDF files.
PDFView4NET Windows Forms Edition provides support for the following features when displaying and printing PDF files:
PDF Rendering
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