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ReSharper Ultimate

귀하의 .NET 생산성을 증가시킵니다.

JetBrains사에서 공개
2007년 부터 ComponentSource에서 판매중

버젼: 2020.1.4 업데이스 날짜: Jul 9, 2020


ReSharper Ultimate is no longer available. All current licenses have been automatically transferred to dotUltimate.

ReSharper Ultimate 2017.3

Released: Dec 20, 2017

2017.3 버젼 업데이트


ReSharper Features

  • Debugger features - New debugging features for Visual Studio: local variables, current line expressions, and function return values are now displayed in the editor. This provides immediate feedback during debugging sessions without leaving the code editor. ReSharper also comes with its own debugger DataTips that enable you to search for any value. Just start typing, and get search results right there and then.
  • Performance Guide - ReSharper's Performance Guide collects Visual Studio and ReSharper settings that could negatively affect performance, and helps you adjust them in a centralized manner to improve the overall IDE responsiveness.
  • Huge code formatting engine update - The code formatting engine has been extended with several new settings for more flexible formatting and to cover more use cases:
    • Options to outdent binary operators, dots and commas.
    • Option for "Nested ternary expression style".
    • Option to insert blank lines before/after statements, depending on their contents.
    • Improved alignment of nested binary expressions and chained method calls.
    • Line Breaks and Wrapping options to place attributes on same line/previous line, specify arrangement of attributes.
    • Options to specify single-line/multi-line formatting for expression-bodied members.
    • Options for embedded blocks of code.
    • HTML formatter has new options for linebreaks before multiline elements or even before all elements.
  • Aligning code in columns - Implemented a set of requested features around aligning code.
  • Enable/disable formatter on selected blocks - In this release, ReSharper prevents code formatting from running on a block of code surrounded by specific comments.
  • Improved Extract Method refactoring - A revised Extract Method refactoring adds support for C# 6 and C# 7. Specifically, support for local functions has been added, there's now an option to return value tuples instead of out parameters, and the refactoring now works in expression-bodied members.
  • Create and navigate to breakpoints/tracepoints efficiently - Create breakpoints or tracepoints right from search results in the Find Results window. You can quickly generate breakpoints for all the occurrences of a code entity you would like to debug. Also, the new release adds a new Breakpoints menu which shows you all the available breakpoints/tracepoints in the solution. The menu supports searching/deleting any of them directly or opening the list in a separate tool window. The new R# Breakpoints tool window supports a lot of actions with breakpoints/tracepoints:
    • Grouping in different ways (file/folder/project/type/member).
    • Removing/disabling/enabling a single item or a group of items.
    • Searching for them.
  • Find Usages/Call Tracking update - The Find Results tool window brings support of multi-line occurrences. The presentation has been changed to show context as a single line in the result tree. Now it is easy to see multiline formatted occurrences in the list of search results. The updated Call Tracking tool window helps keep focus by allowing to remove calls that you have already reviewed.
  • Linking to external resources in to-do items - To-do patterns get a URL field. It creates a link in your code to navigate to external resources.
  • New C# typing assists
    • Automatically generate */ for a new multiline comment by hitting Enter and inserting * for a new line.
    • Indent a method in chained method calls after typing a dot.
    • Surround a code selection by typing a brace or a parenthesis.
  • Tuples in VB.NET - ReSharper now understands the tuple syntax introduced in VB.NET 15: no more bogus red code when you use them, and IntelliSense does not interfere with your typing.
  • Enhanced Preview pane in tool windows - This release has integrated a refreshed Preview pane into most ReSharper windows such as Find Results and Options. In Find Results, the code in the Preview pane looks more natural: keywords and strings are highlighted, identifier colors are applied, font settings and scaling are inherited from Visual Studio's text editor settings.
  • More ReSharper updates
    • Alt+Enter menu does not wait for the file analysis to finish, it appears immediately.
    • TypeScript - improved the performance of type guards support, changes in npm modules are now tracked, and auto-completion is available for imported paths.
    • Peek Definition is supported in Visual Studio 2015 and 2017.
    • New code generation action is available to create deconstructors from selected fields/properties when you use C# 7.0.
    • <inheritdoc/> support comes to VB.NET.

ReSharper C++

  • Debugger features - Local variables, function parameters, current line expressions and function return values are now displayed inline right next to the corresponding code. In addition, ReSharper C++ comes with the new Go to Breakpoint action (Ctrl+Alt+F9) and the R# Breakpoints tool window for quick navigation between breakpoints in the solution, as well as the ability to create breakpoints and tracepoints from the Find Results tool window. ReSharper C++ also provides its own debugger DataTips with the ability to search inside them for a specific value.
  • Clang-Tidy integration - ReSharper C++ 2017.3 provides seamless integration with Clang-Tidy. It works in the background as you edit your code, with inspection results shown on-the-fly in the code editor along with built-in inspections. ReSharper C++ also lets you apply the fixes provided by Clang-Tidy individually, as scope actions, or from Code Cleanup.
  • Language understanding - Several C++17 and C++14 features now supported:
    • C++17 structured binding declarations.
    • C++17 inline variables.
    • C++17 constexpr if statements.
    • Deduction of return type for auto functions without trailing return type from C++14.
    • Type checking and return type deduction for lambda expressions, including support for C++14 generic lambdas.
    • Support for include_alias pragma directives.
    • Improved handling of explicit template instantiations.
    • Support for the event handling Microsoft C++ extension.
  • Code inspections and context actions - ReSharper C++ 2017.3 comes with a set of new code inspections with accompanying fixes:
    • Binary operator with identical or equal arguments.
    • Redefinition of a default function argument from another declaration or a base function.
    • Redundant const specifier on a parameter in a function declaration.
    • Missing function parameter description in a documentation comment.
    • Redundant member initializer in a member initializer list.
    • Non-inline variable definition in a header file.
    • User-defined literal suffix that does not start with an underscore.
    • Detailed diagnostics about errors in structured binding declarations.
    • Convert a member initializer in a member initializer list into a non-static data member initializer.
    • Switch between class and typename keywords in a type template parameter declaration.
  • Code formatting - Formatter can now be enabled/disabled from comments and configured using inline EditorConfig-style settings. It also adds a number of new options for more flexible formatting, including options that control:
    • Multiline code formatting.
    • Aligning code in columns for assignments, declarations, and single-line comments.
    • Outdenting commas and member access operators in chained method calls.
    • Spaces before/after commas in uniform initialization braces and before end of line comments.
  • Go to Declaration improvements - The Go to Declaration command is now available on dependent names inside definitions of templates. Furthermore, Go to Declaration now lets you navigate from a function definition to a declaration with a non-matching signature, if no matching declarations are found.
  • Performance Guide - ReSharper Performance Guide collects a set of Visual Studio and ReSharper settings that might affect overall performance in one place and provides a way to quickly change them.
  • Other changes
    • Catch2, the latest version of the popular Catch unit testing framework, is supported.
    • To-do items support linking to external resources.
    • Redesigned preview pane in ReSharper tool windows and formatter options pages.
    • Find Usages window supports multi-line occurrences.
    • Search Everywhere always shows text matches, even when there are other results.


  • Support for async calls - dotTrace 2017.3 dramatically simplifies the analysis of asynchronous code. It marks all async call nodes in the Call Tree and groups the corresponding await time and continuation code under that node. This means that you can quickly find all "parts" of an asynchronous call in one place instead of searching in different call stacks.
  • Forecasting performance in Timeline Viewer - Simply exclude a particular method from the Call Tree, and dotTrace will recalculate the entire snapshot as if there is no such method.
  • Backtraces in Methods and Subsystems - When examining a list of top methods in Methods and Subsystems, it may be helpful to quickly view backtraces (an inverted call tree) of a particular method to identify its origin. Now, you can do this right in Methods and Subsystems without switching to the Call Tree.
  • Marking user assemblies as system ones - Sometimes, you may want dotTrace to treat particular user modules/assemblies as system ones. This may be helpful, for example, in case the user modules provide some core functionality and are not supposed to be optimized. After you mark a user module as a system module, all rules that are applied to methods from system modules will be applied to methods from this user assembly as well: e.g. the way the methods' time is calculated in Methods and Subsystems and system calls folding.