RubyMine 2024.2.4
Released: Oct 25, 2024
2024.2.4 버젼 업데이트
- LSP, TypeScript LS updates:
- Updated vue/language-server to 2.1.6.
- Code completion fixes:
- Fixed error where no built-in component completion and resolving was available for Nuxt 3.10.
- Code completion Svelte 5: context=module completion item now marked as deprecated.
- Code completion Exception ClassCastException: class cannot be cast to class
- Core. IJent fixes:
- IJent WSL FS doesn't work if running a Dev Build and if the host IDE is 2024.2.1.
- Imports fixes:
- Custom components require extra direct import statement for Nuxt 3.10.
- No subsystem fixes:
- Fixed error where the software doesn't detect the eslint eslint.config.ts config file.
- ESLint 9 update - Could not find config file.
- Resolving augmentation with cyclic modules.
- Prisma ORM Plugin not recognize 'strictUndefinedChecks' preview feature.
- Bun plugin is available only in WebStorm.
- installPlugins command removes the alien_plugin.txt file on every run.
- Ruby. Run Configurations fixes:
- Auto-created Run configurations for tests don't work on Windows.
- Tools. HTTP Client fixes:
- HTTP Client - Cannot iterate over a collection set by preceding request.
- Tools. Kubernetes fixes:
- Telepresence: failed to connect to context that differs from context that telepresence is already connected to.
- Telepresence: "unknown error" on button "connect" click in dialog when Telepresence is not installed in OS.
- .Tools. Terminal fixes:
- Classic terminal: cursor shape keeps resetting to Block despite vertical being selected.
- UI. Tabs fixes:
- Cannot resize the editor tab pane when it's placed on the left/right after IDE restart.
- Tab width of split tab is not resizable until IDE restart.
- Version Control. GitLab fixes:
- Removing the account from GitLab or GitHub doesn't log out from the PR/MR tool window.
- [GitLab] chunked transfer encoding, state: READING_LENGTH.
- Tools. Kubernetes fixes:
- Telepresence: improved the under-UI logic of Debug with Telepresence dialog.
- Telepresence: if the Run Configuration creates a Telepresence Interception then the Telepresence Interception should be closed automatically when the process ends.
- Telepresence: added the ability to manually cancel the Telepresence connection and utility installing processes in the dialog.
- UI fixes:
- Added analytic collectors for WLToolkit VM option.
- UI. Plugins fixes:
- Added to allowlist for plugin installation.
- Editor. Intention Actions fixes:
- Fixed issue with intention bulb.