Spread.NET 17.2
Released: Sep 18, 2024
17.2 버젼 업데이트
- Picture Sizing Mode - The InsertPictureInCell method has been enhanced to return a CellImage, which can be customized in terms of sizing. The new SizingMode enumeration includes:
- Fit - Fits the image in a cell, maintaining the original aspect ratio.
- Fill - Fills an entire cell with the image, ignoring the aspect ratio.
- Original - Maintains the original image size, which may exceed the bounds of the cell.
- Custom - Displays the image according to a custom height and width.
- Text Rendering Enhancement - The Text Renderer in Spread.NET has been enhanced to enable the user to turn GDI Text Rendering on and off. This is achieved using the TextHelper.UseGDITextRendering property. Graphics Device Interface (GDI) rendering is a legacy rendering component for Microsoft Windows and, in some cases, can render text incorrectly. By setting it to false some of the rendering problems can be fixed.