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Syncfusion Essential Studio ASP.NET MVC 2024 Volume 3 SP1 (27.2.2)
Released: Nov 15, 2024
2024 Volume 3 SP1 (27.2.2) 버젼 업데이트
Breaking Change - DocToPDFConverter class will no longer inherit from the System.ComponentModel.Component class.
The cumulative percentage in the Pareto chart tooltip will display the precise value to two decimal points.
The exponential trendline now renders correctly for the datetime axis.
MathML equations are now preserved properly while converting a Word document to an image multiple time.
The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while opening a DOCX document with footnote.
The issue where the focus style remained on the Dropdown Tree element even after shifting focus to the next focusable element has been resolved.
Words and taskbar alignment are misaligned in PDF file when row height is less than 20 issue has been fixed.
Console error occurs when taskbar drag and drop with touch interaction issue has been fixed.
Console error occurs while dependency has decimal offset day values issue has been fixed.
Resolved a script error that occurred during cell selection when virtualization was enabled.
Provided icons for column chooser, autofit all columns, autofit column in adaptive view.
Resolved type error in filter itemTemplate when binding functions.
Resolved rowSelecting and RowDeselected event arguments are undefined when virtualization is enabled.
Resolved an issue where deleting a record from the command column would not work when the delete confirmation dialog was enabled.
Resolved the on-demand for excel/checkbox filtering in custom binding.
Resolved a resized column width resets after column reorder when autofitColumns method is invoked during initial rendering.
The issue with the ODataV4Adaptor checkbox filtering not functioning correctly when using an external where filter query has been resolved.
Fixed an issue that caused an error when opening the column chooser in vertical row rendering mode within AdaptiveUI mobile mode.
The IndexOutOfRangeException will no longer be thrown while opening the document with duplicate slide relation.
Font color now preserved properly while converting PPTX to PDF.
The table is now correctly inserted at the end of the span element when the cursor is focused there in the Rich Text Editor.
The list now retains its format properly when pasted into the Rich Text Editor, even when within an <h6> tag.
The custom table with the class name e-rte-custom-table will no longer have the editor's default table styles.
The percentage values for image height and width are now applied to image in the Rich Text Editor.
The console error that occurred when clicking the image toolbar icon with the cursor at the table side has now been resolved.
The alignment issue in the TreeView component, which occurred when using the IconCss field property with the e-icons class while enabling checkbox support, has been resolved.
The styles are now applied properly to hidden ranges when creating an Excel document.