Syncfusion Essential Studio Xamarin 2024 Volume 4 (28.1.33)

Released: Dec 12, 2024

2024 Volume 4 (28.1.33) 버젼 업데이트


  • DocIO
    • Added support for preserving the WMF images in the Word document, during Word to PDF or image conversion.
    • Enhanced the multicolumn balancing algorithm in Word to PDF conversion, particularly for documents containing multicolumn layouts with section breaks.
  • PDF
    • Added support for including the signed date in the signature within the PDF document.
    • Added support for flattening specified annotation types in the PDF document.
    • Added support for setting text alignment in the PdfLoadedCombobox field within the PDF document.
    • Added support for exporting newly added annotations in the PDF.
    • Breaking Changes:
      • The PdfExportAnnotationCollection API now supports both PdfLoadedAnnotation and PdfAnnotation objects with the updated Add method. Additionally, the Indexer now returns a PdfAnnotation object instead of a PdfLoadedAnnotation object.
  • Presentation
    • Added support for preserving the WMF images in the PowerPoint presentation, during PowerPoint to PDF or image conversion.
  • XlsIO
    • Added support for preserving WMF images during an Excel to PDF and image conversions.
    • Added support for decrypting individual items with different passwords in a protected ZIP file.
    • Changes:
      • The IConnection.ConnectionId API is now deprecated and will be removed in v30.x. It is recommended to use the IConnection.ConnectionId API instead.
      • The ExternalConnection.RefershedVersion API is now deprecated and will be removed in v30.x. It is recommended to use the ExternalConnection.RefreshedVersion API instead.
      • The ExternalConnection.password API is now deprecated and will be removed in v30.x. It is recommended to use the ExternalConnection.Password API instead.


  • DocIO
    • Shape within the table cell is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • PDF
    • Fixed the issue where bounds were not retrieved properly while extracting text.
    • Fixed an issue where a preservation issue occurred while flattening the textbox field.
    • Fixed a preservation issue that occurred while drawing templates on the PDF.
    • Fixed an issue where text preservation was compromised when creating a template from a PDF document.
    • Fixed the issue where the new line character was not proper while importing form fields in JSON format.
    • Resolved the issue where border width was not properly returned for a textbox field.
    • Resolved the native AOT warning that occurred in compression and PDF.
    • Fixed the issue where a preservation problem occurred while parsing an empty style tag.
  • Presentation
    • Picture within the group shape is now replaced properly.
  • SfCalendar
    • The ArgumentOutOfRangeException no longer occurs when swiping down after selecting a date range in RangeSelection mode with NumberOfWeeksInView set between 1 and 4.
  • SfDiagram
    • [UWP] The node constraints are now working properly.
  • SfPicker
    • Setting ColumnWidth to Zero does not affect the column headers issue in the SfPicker in the iOS platform has now been fixed.
  • SfRichTextEditor
    • The RichTextEditor is now scrolling based on the corresponding curser position in the Android and UWP Platform.
  • XlsIO
    • Exception no longer occurs when creating a table with the sheet name contains True or False.
    • Category labels are now preserved correctly when the major data unit is set to Auto when converting an Excel to PDF.
    • Pareto chart line color is now rendered properly when converting an Excel document to PDF.
    • Hyperlinks in the threaded comments are now preserved correctly when resaving an Excel document.
    • Corruption no longer occurs when the value axis in chart contains NaN values.
    • Threaded comment replies are now rendered properly when resaving an Excel document.
    • When converting an Excel file to PDF, empty chart legend area is now rendered correctly.