Created 'Search as You Type' behavior without filtering the items in RadGridView.
Introduced new DistinctValuesDisplayMode property for GridViewColumn which allows for displaying the distinct values inside the FilteringControl in a tree structure. For DateTime columns the values are grouped in a year/month/day hierarchy.
Included Telerik.UI.for.Wpf.AllControls.Xaml and Telerik.UI.for.Wpf.AllControls.NoXaml meta NuGet packages that reference the individual NuGet packages for all UI for WPF controls.
Modernized Visual Studio extensions wizards design.
The icon color for the 'None' state has been updated for Windows 11 and Office 2019 themes.
Modernized Windows installer (MSI) design.
Upgraded WiX version of Windows installer (MSI) from 3.11.2 to 3.14.0.
Introduced CheckedTrackRadius and UnCheckedTrackRadius properties to the RadToggleSwitchButton, providing control over the radius of Track rectangle elements.
Swapped MinWidth and MinHeight values in the Windows 11 theme to improve the calculator's appearance.
Added a MouseOver state to the 'Selected' and 'Today' buttons in the DateRangePicker.
Created 'Search as You Type' behavior without filtering the items in RadGridView.
Introduced new DistinctValuesDisplayMode property for GridViewColumn which allows for displaying the distinct values inside the FilteringControl in a tree structure. For DateTime columns the values are grouped in a year/month/day hierarchy.
Added support for the ValidationErrorTemplateHelper.DisplayMode attached property.
Introduced the AllowSingleClickExpandInCompactMode property which allows for expanding top level RadNavigationViewItems with a single click when the DisplayMode is Compact.
The font size and family now match the default FontSize settings for each theme. This ensures consistent font sizes across all themes and allows adjustments via the theme palette.
Added a SVG element in a RadFixedPage so that it can be exported to PDF via the RadPdfProcessing library.
Introduced support for Line annotations.
Introduced support for SVG to FormSource conversion.
Introduced support for Highlight annotations.
Introduced support for Text annotations.
Introduced support for Popup annotations.
Introduced support for Stamp annotations.
Introduced support for StrikeOut annotations.
Introduced support for Dotted, Dashed, and DashSmallGap borders.
Introduced support for Strikethrough text property.
Added support for handling documents with mismatched font Subtype and FontFile type.
The icon for RadRibbonGallery has been updated.
Introduced support for SVG images.
Added support for handling cached formula value importing and reading when the formula contains external references.
Introduced support for SVG images.
Introduced support for exporting text with a strikethrough to PDF.
Missing folder with XAML files for NET Framework version in
'Copy Template failed' exception is thrown in designer when trying to extract the ControlTemplate of RadAIPromptButton.
SearchText property value is not cleared on SelectionMode changed.
The used text search path is not automatically updated on DisplayMemberPath changed, when TextSearchPath property is not set.
Shape's tooltip is hardly visible in the dark variation of VisualStudio2019 theme.
Saving and loading a ToolWindow with FloatingWindowState is set to minimize causes unexpected layout.
Exception in Swimlane Diagram example because of missing resources in the ResizeHandler style.
Special slots background is not visible in the Windows11 Dark theme.
Column groups disappear when new instances are created and RadGridView is hosted in a TabControl.
An Exception is thrown on ItemsSource changing when it's a CollectionViewSource and grouping is applied.
Grouped grid columns cannot be expanded or collapsed by clicking the row in the Windows 11 theme with XAML binaries.
InvalidCastException when setting the DropIndicatorThickness of GridViewHeaderCell and the Windows 7 theme is used.
The CellStyle cannot be changed at runtime.
The validation tooltip border remains visible when scrolling with the scroll thumb.
Up and down arrow keys don't scroll the first row that is outside of the viewport when using a custom GridViewCell class and the Flat GroupRenderMode.
When the selection mode is Extended the grid keeps reference to a data item that is removed from the source.
Calculated values are not updated when updating other values in the grid.
Setting the IsExpandable and IsTabStop properties to False of LayoutControlExpanderGroup does not prevent it from expanding and collapsing.
The LinearDropVisual element is not displayed below the last item in a drag-drop scenario when ScrollViewer.CanContentScroll is set to False.
In the Fluent theme, a gray border becomes visible when the editable section of the component receives focus.
The fly view is not properly displayed when the second item is clicked. Use the new AllowSingleClickExpandInCompactMode property to expand top-level RadNavigationViewItems with a single click when the DisplayMode is Compact.
PDF Viewer
Form XObject that contains a path with a Matrix position is not rendered.
Changing the value of the DocumentSource property at runtime causes the RadPdfViewer to hang.
The image inside an XObject is not shown in the correct position.
An ArgumentException when there are bookmarks that point to the same location.
When there are nested geometries PdfViewer should inherit the unspecified Graphic properties.
The page content is broken when exporting a document and inverting a non-invertible concat matrix.
An InvalidCastException is thrown when importing a PDF document with embedded files.
SkiaImageFormatProvider: Darker and lower quality image export on macOS.
SkiaImageFormatProvider: Text is exported with a wrong position.
An invalid annotation position leads to missing content.
An InvalidCastException is thrown on import when a culture is set with comma (,) decimal separator.
Missing text content is caused by a handled OverflowException while parsing Type1 font file.
The text is not displayed when CFF Private DICT has leading zeroes.
Groups IsExpanded state is not preserved when filtering or expanding nested properties.
The labels of the properties is hard to read when the Expression_Dark theme is applied and an item is selected.
Exception when changing a non-visible bound property.
InvalidOperationException when importing an HTML in Parallel.Foreach.
Bullet list cannot be toggled on/off when a new line is also selected.
Caret is not displayed at the expected position in the FlowNoWrap layout mode.
Exception when importing a table that has only width set in HTML.
Improve the speed of the delete operation when deleting annotation ranges in large documents.
Shapes are not pasted at the mouse position.
The image adorner is not shown in .NET 6, .NET 7 or higher version.
InvalidOperationException: Parent shape is not measured when loading a page with shapes.
The text drag is not working and the selection is cleared when clicking the second time.
An ArgumentNullException is thrown when importing documents containing comments with no DateTime.
CellValueFormat comes out incorrect on export when it contains a specific sequence.
A FormatException is thrown when getting the formatted cell value as a string using the H format.
Incorrect calculation of UsedCellRange when conditional formatting is applied to a large cell range.
An InvalidOperationException is thrown when importing a specific document.
Wrong sheet name appears in the exception message when adding sheet with an already existing name.
An ObjectDisposedException exception is raised when a RadSvgImage is placed in a DataTemplate.
Missing item containers when move action is executed over the items collection at runtime.
InvalidOperationException is thrown when closing a window opened on another UI thread and the Windows11 theme is applied.
NullReferenceException is raised when closing a modal RadWindow and opening it on a separate thread.
DocFormatProvider: EndOfStreamException when importing a document with a specific image.
A FileNotFoundException is thrown when using HtmlFormatProvider.Import.
Import from HTML doesn't apply style from class names in CSS.
Inserting a Content Control in some cases is not added to the model.
RtfFormatProvider: Indentation for bullets and numbering changes on export.
PageField does not respect StartingPageNumber.
A NullReferenceException is thrown when exporting a document with a field spanning multiple paragraphs inside a list to PDF.
The hanging indent is not respected when exporting paragraphs with tabs to PDF.
Incorrect calculation of indentation occurs when a paragraph in the list has applied local indent, and the list style defines indent.
List indent is not correct when exported to PDF.
The numbered list marker font is not properly exported to PDF.
Replace doesn't match the text when it contains a BookmarkRangeStart/End objects.