Telerik UI for WPF 2024 Q3 (2024.3.806)

Released: Aug 7, 2024

2024 Q3 (2024.3.806) 버젼 업데이트


  • What's New
    • Created 'Search as You Type' behavior without filtering the items in RadGridView.
    • Introduced new DistinctValuesDisplayMode property for GridViewColumn which allows for displaying the distinct values inside the FilteringControl in a tree structure. For DateTime columns the values are grouped in a year/month/day hierarchy.
    • Included Telerik.UI.for.Wpf.AllControls.Xaml and Telerik.UI.for.Wpf.AllControls.NoXaml meta NuGet packages that reference the individual NuGet packages for all UI for WPF controls.
    • Modernized Visual Studio extensions wizards design.
  • Common
    • The icon color for the 'None' state has been updated for Windows 11 and Office 2019 themes.
    • Modernized Windows installer (MSI) design.
    • Upgraded WiX version of Windows installer (MSI) from 3.11.2 to 3.14.0.
  • Buttons
    • Introduced CheckedTrackRadius and UnCheckedTrackRadius properties to the RadToggleSwitchButton, providing control over the radius of Track rectangle elements.
  • Calculator
    • Swapped MinWidth and MinHeight values in the Windows 11 theme to improve the calculator's appearance.
  • DateRangePicker
    • Added a MouseOver state to the 'Selected' and 'Today' buttons in the DateRangePicker.
  • GridView
    • Created 'Search as You Type' behavior without filtering the items in RadGridView.
    • Introduced new DistinctValuesDisplayMode property for GridViewColumn which allows for displaying the distinct values inside the FilteringControl in a tree structure. For DateTime columns the values are grouped in a year/month/day hierarchy.
  • MultiColumnComboBox
    • Added support for the ValidationErrorTemplateHelper.DisplayMode attached property.
  • NavigationView
    • Introduced the AllowSingleClickExpandInCompactMode property which allows for expanding top level RadNavigationViewItems with a single click when the DisplayMode is Compact.
    • The font size and family now match the default FontSize settings for each theme. This ensures consistent font sizes across all themes and allows adjustments via the theme palette.
  • PdfProcessing
    • Added a SVG element in a RadFixedPage so that it can be exported to PDF via the RadPdfProcessing library.
    • Introduced support for Line annotations.
    • Introduced support for SVG to FormSource conversion.
    • Introduced support for Highlight annotations.
    • Introduced support for Text annotations.
    • Introduced support for Popup annotations.
    • Introduced support for Stamp annotations.
    • Introduced support for StrikeOut annotations.
    • Introduced support for Dotted, Dashed, and DashSmallGap borders.
    • Introduced support for Strikethrough text property.
    • Added support for handling documents with mismatched font Subtype and FontFile type.
  • RibbonView
    • The icon for RadRibbonGallery has been updated.
  • SpreadProcessing
    • Introduced support for SVG images.
    • Added support for handling cached formula value importing and reading when the formula contains external references.
  • WordsProcessing
    • Introduced support for SVG images.
    • Introduced support for exporting text with a strikethrough to PDF.


  • Common
    • Missing folder with XAML files for NET Framework version in
  • AIPrompt
    • 'Copy Template failed' exception is thrown in designer when trying to extract the ControlTemplate of RadAIPromptButton.
  • AutoCompleteBox
    • SearchText property value is not cleared on SelectionMode changed.
    • The used text search path is not automatically updated on DisplayMemberPath changed, when TextSearchPath property is not set.
  • Diagrams
    • Shape's tooltip is hardly visible in the dark variation of VisualStudio2019 theme.
  • Docking
    • Saving and loading a ToolWindow with FloatingWindowState is set to minimize causes unexpected layout.
  • Examples
    • Exception in Swimlane Diagram example because of missing resources in the ResizeHandler style.
  • GanttView
    • Special slots background is not visible in the Windows11 Dark theme.
  • GridView
    • Column groups disappear when new instances are created and RadGridView is hosted in a TabControl.
    • An Exception is thrown on ItemsSource changing when it's a CollectionViewSource and grouping is applied.
    • Grouped grid columns cannot be expanded or collapsed by clicking the row in the Windows 11 theme with XAML binaries.
    • InvalidCastException when setting the DropIndicatorThickness of GridViewHeaderCell and the Windows 7 theme is used.
    • The CellStyle cannot be changed at runtime.
    • The validation tooltip border remains visible when scrolling with the scroll thumb.
    • Up and down arrow keys don't scroll the first row that is outside of the viewport when using a custom GridViewCell class and the Flat GroupRenderMode.
    • When the selection mode is Extended the grid keeps reference to a data item that is removed from the source.
    • Calculated values are not updated when updating other values in the grid.
  • LayoutControl
    • Setting the IsExpandable and IsTabStop properties to False of LayoutControlExpanderGroup does not prevent it from expanding and collapsing.
  • ListBox
    • The LinearDropVisual element is not displayed below the last item in a drag-drop scenario when ScrollViewer.CanContentScroll is set to False.
  • MultiColumnComboBox
    • In the Fluent theme, a gray border becomes visible when the editable section of the component receives focus.
  • NavigationView
    • The fly view is not properly displayed when the second item is clicked. Use the new AllowSingleClickExpandInCompactMode property to expand top-level RadNavigationViewItems with a single click when the DisplayMode is Compact.
  • PDF Viewer
    • Form XObject that contains a path with a Matrix position is not rendered.
    • Changing the value of the DocumentSource property at runtime causes the RadPdfViewer to hang.
    • The image inside an XObject is not shown in the correct position.
    • An ArgumentException when there are bookmarks that point to the same location.
    • When there are nested geometries PdfViewer should inherit the unspecified Graphic properties.
  • PdfProcessing
    • The page content is broken when exporting a document and inverting a non-invertible concat matrix.
    • An InvalidCastException is thrown when importing a PDF document with embedded files.
    • SkiaImageFormatProvider: Darker and lower quality image export on macOS.
    • SkiaImageFormatProvider: Text is exported with a wrong position.
    • An invalid annotation position leads to missing content.
    • An InvalidCastException is thrown on import when a culture is set with comma (,) decimal separator.
    • Missing text content is caused by a handled OverflowException while parsing Type1 font file.
    • The text is not displayed when CFF Private DICT has leading zeroes.
  • PropertyGrid
    • Groups IsExpanded state is not preserved when filtering or expanding nested properties.
    • The labels of the properties is hard to read when the Expression_Dark theme is applied and an item is selected.
    • Exception when changing a non-visible bound property.
  • RichTextBox
    • InvalidOperationException when importing an HTML in Parallel.Foreach.
    • Bullet list cannot be toggled on/off when a new line is also selected.
    • Caret is not displayed at the expected position in the FlowNoWrap layout mode.
    • Exception when importing a table that has only width set in HTML.
    • Improve the speed of the delete operation when deleting annotation ranges in large documents.
    • Shapes are not pasted at the mouse position.
    • The image adorner is not shown in .NET 6, .NET 7 or higher version.
    • InvalidOperationException: Parent shape is not measured when loading a page with shapes.
    • The text drag is not working and the selection is cleared when clicking the second time.
  • SpreadProcessing
    • An ArgumentNullException is thrown when importing documents containing comments with no DateTime.
    • CellValueFormat comes out incorrect on export when it contains a specific sequence.
    • A FormatException is thrown when getting the formatted cell value as a string using the H format.
    • Incorrect calculation of UsedCellRange when conditional formatting is applied to a large cell range.
    • An InvalidOperationException is thrown when importing a specific document.
    • Wrong sheet name appears in the exception message when adding sheet with an already existing name.
  • SvgImage
    • An ObjectDisposedException exception is raised when a RadSvgImage is placed in a DataTemplate.
  • VirtualizingWrapPanel
    • Missing item containers when move action is executed over the items collection at runtime.
  • Window
    • InvalidOperationException is thrown when closing a window opened on another UI thread and the Windows11 theme is applied.
    • NullReferenceException is raised when closing a modal RadWindow and opening it on a separate thread.
  • WordsProcessing
    • DocFormatProvider: EndOfStreamException when importing a document with a specific image.
    • A FileNotFoundException is thrown when using HtmlFormatProvider.Import.
    • Import from HTML doesn't apply style from class names in CSS.
    • Inserting a Content Control in some cases is not added to the model.
    • RtfFormatProvider: Indentation for bullets and numbering changes on export.
    • PageField does not respect StartingPageNumber.
    • A NullReferenceException is thrown when exporting a document with a field spanning multiple paragraphs inside a list to PDF.
    • The hanging indent is not respected when exporting paragraphs with tabs to PDF.
    • Incorrect calculation of indentation occurs when a paragraph in the list has applied local indent, and the list style defines indent.
    • List indent is not correct when exported to PDF.
    • The numbered list marker font is not properly exported to PDF.
    • Replace doesn't match the text when it contains a BookmarkRangeStart/End objects.