TX Text Control .NET for Windows Forms Professional 30.0 SP3
Released: Sep 6, 2022
30.0 SP3 버젼 업데이트
Text Filters
- HTML export: In some cases, random garbage characters are added to href attribute content.
- PDF documents created with images and no text contain invalid object references.
- System.Globalization.CultureNotFoundException when accessing paragraph styles.
- List indent is not imported correctly from DOCX.
- Document with end of line hyphen characters (e.g. 1EH) throws 01-2404 error upon saving.
Text Formatting
- Underlining a list item will underline the whole list item plus an additional space after the text ends.
- Long delay when switching to the Home tab (RibbonFormattingTab) from a different tab in a document with 100+ styles.
- Redundant keys in TextControl.resx.
- v31 assemblies used in v30 sample application.