DevExpress WinForms 23.1

Released: Jun 14, 2023

Atualizações na 23.1


  • Main Features
    • Vector Skins - Synchronization with Windows settings.
    • Lookup Control - Multiple item selection.
    • Gantt - Timeline integration.
    • Ribbon - New Office 365 style.
  • Windows Forms Designer for Microsoft .NET - Enhancements:
    • .NET projects now support loading images into project resources.
    • You can now add images into project resources using the DevExpress Image Gallery.
    • Collections - Added 'Load From Project Resources'.
    • You can now filter properties by name within Microsoft Visual Studio's Properties window.
    • You can now use the Splash Screen Manager's smart-tag to add a Splash Screen or a Wait Form to your project.
  • WinForms Template Gallery
    • Item Templates for .NET Applications - You can now use the following Item Templates within .NET applications:
      • UI-Ready User Control.
      • UI-Ready Form.
      • Custom Data Editor.
      • Custom Data Grid.
  • Data Grid
    • WYSIWYG and Data-Aware Export Enhancements - Added a new PrintExportCompleted event to all View types. Handle this event to determine whether view data was printed or exported without errors. Use the e.Status event parameter to determine if the operation was successful, failed, or was cancelled.
  • Data Editors
    • Lookup Editor - Multiple Item Selection - The WinForms Lookup Editor includes a new multiple item selection option. With this capability, you can display a checkbox column within the lookup and allow users to select multiple values using the mouse or keyboard.
    • Color Editors - Allow Null Input - The WinForms ColorEdit and ColorPickEdit controls now set the EditValue property to null (Nothing in Visual Basic) if the AllowNullInput option is enabled and a user presses Ctrl+Del or Ctrl+0. Added a new NullColor property so you can specify a custom null color. This value is assigned to the editor's Color property when the user resets the edit value.
  • Skins and Vector Icons
    • Support for Default App Mode in Microsoft Windows OS - Added a new WindowsFormsSettings.TrackWindowsAppMode setting. When enabled, your application can track the Default App Mode setting used in Windows OS and only display light or dark color palettes within the Skin gallery. Available for the DevExpress "WXI", "Basic", and "Bezier" skins.
    • System and Custom Accent Colors - DevExpress vector skins can now change associated colors once end users make a change to a system accent color within Microsoft Windows. Activate the WindowsFormsSettings.TrackWindowsAccentColor setting to enable this option.
    • WXI Skin - Enhanced Rendering - Enhanced the rendering of the text input and dropdown editors with a custom background color (WXI skin).
  • Charting
    • Enhanced Visualization of Spline Series - Enhanced the visualization of the spline chart - the spline line is rendered between local minimum and maximum values. Use the SplineAlgorithm property to specify the drawing algorithm used for the Spline series view.
  • Dialogs
    • Preview Pane - The WinForms Open File and Save File Dialogs ship with an integrated Preview Pane. Your users can now preview PDFs, Microsoft Office-related documents, HTML file, text files, and images within the dialog.
    • Customize Context Menu - Added new events designed to customize context menus (add new commands, hide/disable commands, etc.) in the WinForms File Explorer Assistant component.
  • Filtering UI
    • Filter Control - UX Enhancements - The WinForms Filter control includes a new ShowActionButtonMode property that specifies whether the Filter Control always displays action buttons (for example, add or remove a condition) or displays buttons on hover.
  • Gantt Control
    • Timeline - The WinForms Gantt control includes a new integrated Timeline. Features include:
      • Display Timeline at the Top or Bottom of the Gantt Control.
      • Bind to Data.
      • Multiple Timeline Bars.
      • Add/Remove Tasks and Milestones to/from Timeline.
      • Configurable Date-Time Range.
      • Select Multiple Tasks.
      • Today Indicator.
      • Built-in Context Menu.
      • Go to Task.
      • Pan and Zoom Timeline Scale.
      • Resize Timeline.
      • Print and Export.
      • Comprehensive Timeline API.
  • HTML and CSS Support
    • Reusable HTML and CSS Templates - The WinForms HTML and CSS Template Gallery includes a set of predesigned templates based on those used in the WinForms demo applications. You can use these templates "as-is" or customize as needed. You can create an HTML and CSS template, save the template to the gallery, and use it in any WinForms project when needed.
    • Bind Image Tags to Data Fields with Image Names - You can now bind image tags to data source fields with image names. An HTML Template checks whether the data field contains SVG or bitmaps. If it does not, the template looks for an image with the specified name in the SvgImageCollection (assigned to the control's HtmlImages property).
  • Ribbon
    • New Microsoft Office 365 Style - The WinForms Ribbon Control ships with a new Office 365 rendering style. When the new Office 365 style is used, the WinForms Ribbon control displays a Search box at the top of the Ribbon form and displays Show Ribbon options on the bottom right of the Ribbon UI.
    • Backstage View - Align Items to Top and Bottom - Backstage View item settings now include a new Alignment option. This option allows you to align items to the top and bottom of the Backstage View, and to the left and right of the Caption Bar and Quick Access Toolbar (when it is displayed below the Ribbon control).
    • Show Alerts within the Ribbon Message Bar - Implemented new APIs to display Office-inspired flyout notifications and alerts.
    • Page Header Items - Colorization in Vector Skins - Page header items (BarButtonItem and BarCheckitem) can adjust text and SVG icon colors based on the background color in vector skins. The background color must be set to a Skin Color (at design time, switch to the "DX Skins" tab to choose a Skin Color).
  • Rich Text Editor
    • Rotated Text in Tables - The WinForms Rich Text Editor now supports rotated text in table cells. Added a 'Text Direction' command to the Ribbon UI and a TableCell.TextDirection property to rotate cell text in code. You can print and export (PDF) documents with rotated text in tables.
    • Embedded Fonts - The new API (Document.EmbedFonts API) allows you to embed fonts within Microsoft Word documents. Once fonts are embedded in a document, document appearance remains unchanged when viewed, printed, or exported on any computer (regardless of the presence of the font on the target machine). Embedded fonts are available within the font list.
  • Scheduler
    • Synchronize Appointments with Microsoft 365 Calendars - The WinForms Scheduler control exposes new APIs and allows you to seamlessly synchronize user appointments with Microsoft 365 calendars (bi-directionally). You can export appointments from the Scheduler control to Microsoft 365 calendars, import Microsoft 365 (Outlook) events to the Scheduler control, merge user appointments with Microsoft 365 calendars, and resolve merge conflicts.
  • Spreadsheet
    • Threaded Comments - You can now manage threaded comments in code. Use the Worksheet.ThreadedComments property to add, edit, reply, and remove threaded comments (the Spreadsheet control retains comments when resaving a Microsoft Excel document). ‌
    • Chart Enhancements - The WinForms Spreadsheet control can now display, print, and export (PDF) the following chart UI elements:
      • Chart Markers with Solid Outlines.
      • Trendlines.
      • Data Tables.
      • Legends with Custom Fonts.
    • Use Cell Values as Data Labels in Charts - You can now use cell values as data labels for a chart. Use the CustomDataLabels.SetReference method to specify a cell range used as a reference. You can print and export to PDF spreadsheet documents that contain charts with custom data labels.
  • TreeList
    • HTML and CSS Templates - The WinForms TreeList Control now supports HTML and CSS Template engine. HTML and CSS Templates allow you to create unique layouts for TreeList nodes and the TreeList itself when empty.
    • Improved Performance for Large Hierarchical Binding Lists - Optimized the WinForms TreeList control to better address important usage scenarios. Enhanced the speed and efficiency when deleting nodes and updating child collections whenever the TreeList is bound to a very large hierarchical binding list. The TreeList now performs these operations up to 20 times faster.
  • Accessibility and UI Automation
    • Scheduler Accessibility - Supported assistive tools and UI Automation patterns in the WinForms Scheduler control. The Scheduler control implements standard API used by accessibility client applications. All UI elements are labeled and properly recognized, property values are exposed, and appropriate events are raised. Enable the WindowsFormsSettings.UseUIAutomation setting to use UI Automation patterns.
  • UI Templates (EAP)
    • DevExpress UI Templates were designed to jump start the form design/development process. With this product, you can create/deliver ready-to-use UI solutions and address a variety of line-of-business (LOB) requirements in a timely manner (and eliminate the need for routine UI customizations when using DevExpress WinForms controls). v23.1 added a new Twin Button template and extended the grid-based templates with new Contact and Task List templates.