Froala Pages

Ferramenta JavaScript de design e edição de páginas da web Plug and Play para o seu aplicativo web.

Publicado por Froala
Distribuído pela ComponentSource desde 2020

Versão: v1.1.0 Atualizado: May 8, 2020


Please note: Froala Pages became a Free Tool on December 9th 2020.

Froala Pages

Froala Pages is a Javascript tool which enables developers to add a website building experience to any web app. It combines the power of the Froala Editor with the look of Froala Design Blocks. Froala Pages Design Blocks offers a fast and easy way for your users to create and edit standardized and customizable web content using a modular web design system. Code quality and architecture, documentation and guides make the Froala page builder a pleasure to use for any developer. From custom design blocks to custom features, Froala page builder is designed to be adaptive and easy to extend.

A Page Builder for any Modern App
Include a page building experience in your application without reinventing the wheel.

Edit and Design Modes
Edit and Design in the same place, but not with the same interface. The UI has built-in modes, each of them conceived to optimize your focus on what you need.

  • Edit - A true What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) interface to edit the content on your web page.
  • Design - Optimized for searching and combining design blocks that form a web page.

Design Blocks...

Últimas Notícias

Froala Pages v1.1.0
Froala Pages v1.1.0
June 4, 2020Novo produto
Ferramenta JavaScript de design e edição de páginas da web Plug and Play para o seu aplicativo web.
All licenses are perpetual and include 1 year of free software updates. Basic, Pro, Enterprise, Number of Pages*, 1000, 3000, Unlimited, Number of products, 1, 1, 1, Users, Unlimited, Unlimited...

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Supported Browsers
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 11+
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Safari
  • Firefox
  • Chrome
  • Opera

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