Preços do Setup Factory

Se precisar conversar sobre os seus requisitos de licenciamento de Setup Factory, entre em contato com nossos especialistas em licenciamento Indigo Rose.

Nossos preços regulares são mostrados abaixo. Por favor, faça o logon para ver seus preços com desconto.

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Setup Factory 9.7.0

1 Developer License (Includes 6 Months Maintenance Plan including all major and minor updates)

Número da peça do fabricante: SUF80Nosso número da peça: CS-504590-1439452

Licenciamento e Entrega $ 387.10 Adicionar ao carrinho

One software license is required per machine.

After your order has been processed, you will receive an email with your Serial Number and instructions on how to register and download your software, usually delivered within 1 business day.

Entregue via E-mail:
  • Download instructions and Serial Number for Setup Factory

5 Developer License ( Includes 6 Months Maintenance Plan including all major and minor updates)

Número da peça do fabricante: SUF80-5Nosso número da peça: CS-504590-1439460

Licenciamento e Entrega $ 975.10 Adicionar ao carrinho

One software license is required per machine.

After your order has been processed, you will receive an email with your Serial Number and instructions on how to register and download your software, usually delivered within 1 business day.

Entregue via E-mail:
  • Download instructions and Serial Number for Setup Factory

Setup Factory 1 Year Renewal

1 Developer Early Maintenance 1 Year Renewal - Pre Expiration

Nosso número da peça: CS-504590-1439472

Licenciamento e Entrega $ 126.42 Adicionar ao carrinho

Extends your maintenance subscription for 1 year.

Segundo os termos de licenciamento deste produto, é necessário que verifiquemos a sua elegibilidade antes da entrega.

After verification, you will receive confirmation your maintenance has been extended along with your new renewal date, delivered by email, usually within 1 business day.

Entregue via E-mail:
  • Confirmation of Setup Factory Early Maintenance Renewal

5 Developer Early Maintenance 1 Year Renewal - Pre Expiration

Nosso número da peça: CS-504590-1439475

Licenciamento e Entrega $ 293.02 Adicionar ao carrinho

Extends your maintenance subscription for 1 year.

Segundo os termos de licenciamento deste produto, é necessário que verifiquemos a sua elegibilidade antes da entrega.

After verification, you will receive confirmation your maintenance has been extended along with your new renewal date, delivered by email, usually within 1 business day.

Entregue via E-mail:
  • Confirmation of Setup Factory Early Maintenance Renewal

1 Developer Maintenance 1 Year Renewal - Post Expiration

Nosso número da peça: CS-504590-1439466

Licenciamento e Entrega $ 146.02 Adicionar ao carrinho

Extends your maintenance subscription for 1 year.

Segundo os termos de licenciamento deste produto, é necessário que verifiquemos a sua elegibilidade antes da entrega.

After verification, you will receive confirmation your maintenance has been extended along with your new renewal date, delivered by email, usually within 1 business day.

Entregue via E-mail:
  • Confirmation of Setup Factory Maintenance Renewal

5 Developer Maintenance 1 Year Renewal - Post Expiration

Nosso número da peça: CS-504590-1439469

Licenciamento e Entrega $ 391.02 Adicionar ao carrinho

Extends your maintenance subscription for 1 year.

Segundo os termos de licenciamento deste produto, é necessário que verifiquemos a sua elegibilidade antes da entrega.

After verification, you will receive confirmation your maintenance has been extended along with your new renewal date, delivered by email, usually within 1 business day.

Entregue via E-mail:
  • Confirmation of Setup Factory Maintenance Renewal

Setup Factory 9.7.0 Upgrade

1 Developer License Upgrade from any previous version (Includes 6 Months Maintenance Plan including all major and minor updates)

Número da peça do fabricante: SUF80UpNosso número da peça: CS-504590-1439456

Licenciamento e Entrega $ 175.42 Adicionar ao carrinho

One software license is required per machine.

Segundo os termos de licenciamento deste produto, é necessário que verifiquemos a sua elegibilidade antes da entrega.

After verification, you will receive an email with your Serial Number and instructions on how to register and download your software, usually delivered within 1 business day.

Entregue via E-mail:
  • Download instructions and Serial Number for Setup Factory Upgrade

5 Developer License Upgrade from any previous 3 or 5 Team License (Includes 6 Months Maintenance Plan including all major and minor updates)

Nosso número da peça: CS-504590-1439463

Licenciamento e Entrega $ 489.02 Adicionar ao carrinho

One software license is required per machine.

Segundo os termos de licenciamento deste produto, é necessário que verifiquemos a sua elegibilidade antes da entrega.

After verification, you will receive an email with your Serial Number and instructions on how to register and download your software, usually delivered within 1 business day.

Entregue via E-mail:
  • Download instructions and Serial Number for Setup Factory Upgrade

Licenciamento do Setup Factory

One software license is required per machine. Includes 6 Months Maintenance Plan including all major and minor updates.
Run-time royalty free.

Maintenance Plan Renewal available for customers with a current maintenance plan or with a current version. If you own a previous version, you can purchase an upgrade at the same price as the renewal.

Contratos de Licença