Sobre o Softgroup .Net Controls Suite

User Interface controls for .NET applications.

Softgroup .Net Controls Suite contains more than thirty fast, lightweight and easy to use .NET controls that can enhance your application interface. It includes Panel Bars, Buttons, Data Editors, Combo Lists, MDI, Progress Bars, Sliders, Tabs and Wizard controls.

Softgroup .Net Controls Suite includes following controls:

  • Softgroup .Net Advanced Panel - An extended Panel control that implements unsupported behaviours and features of the standard control.
  • Softgroup .Net Animation - Play AVI videos
  • Softgroup .Net ListBar - An implementation of Microsoft Outlook List Bar control.
  • Softgroup .Net OutlookBar - An implementation of Microsoft Outlook Navigation Bar control.
  • Softgroup .Net ExplorerBar - An implementation of Windows Explorer Bar control.
  • Softgroup .Net Advanced Splitter - An enhanced splitter control with automatic collapse/expand of child controls.
  • Softgroup .Net Button - A button control with gradient and/or light effects.
  • Softgroup .Net LinkButton - A button control designed to mimic the look of a command link control.
  • Softgroup .Net Split Button - A control with a split area that can display on user click with an associated ContextMenuStrip.
  • Softgroup .Net Calculator - An easy to use, customizable calculator control.
  • Softgroup .Net Combo Colors - An advanced ComboBox that displays a list of System Colors or Know Colors.
  • Softgroup .Net Combo Fonts - An advanced ComboBox that displays a list of installed Fonts.
  • Softgroup .Net Combo Images - An advanced ComboBox that displays images with text.
  • Softgroup .Net ComboList - A resizable ComboBox control.
  • Softgroup .Net Combo Printers - An advanced ComboBox that displays a list of installed Printers.
  • Softgroup .Net MDI Bar - A lightweight .NET MDI bar control for the automatic tracking of MDI children.
  • Softgroup .Net NetMDIManager - An advanced component that eliminates the flicker generated during switching between maximized MDI child forms.
  • Softgroup .Net Notify Message - An implementation of a MSN Messenger-like notification window.
  • Softgroup .Net Print Preview - Provides accurate print and preview for CheckedListBox, DataGrid, DataGridView, Forms, ListBox, ListView, TreeView, RichTextBox controls and System.Drawing.Image objects.
  • Softgroup .Net ProgressBar - An advanced progress bar controls with orientation and gradients effects.
  • Softgroup .Net ProgressBlock - A highly customizable block progress bar control with orientation and gradient/glass effects.
  • Softgroup .Net ProgressLed - A graphic control that mimics a Led numeric display.
  • Softgroup .Net ProgressSlider - A enhanced trackbar control that displays a progress slider with orientation, various styles and effects.
  • Softgroup .Net Win8ProgressMarquee - A control that mimics the Windows 8/10 progress marquee indicator.
  • Softgroup .Net Win8ProgressRing - A control that mimics the Windows 8/10 progress ring indicator.
  • Softgroup .Net ProgressLoop - An advanced loading loop control that can emulate IE, FireFox and MacOSX progress styles.
  • Softgroup .Net Tab Control - An advanced and enhanced version of the standard .Net TabControl that implements unsupported behaviors and features of standard control.
  • Softgroup .Net Thumbnail - A fast, lightweight and easy to use control that gives your applications a thumbnail images browser.
  • Softgroup .Net ToolStripColorPicker - A ToolStripSplitButton that allows selecting a color from a color picker.
  • Softgroup .Net ToolStrip Customize - An easy to use component that provides runtime user customization dialogs for any ToolStrip control.
  • Softgroup .Net Wizard - A small, lightweight and easy to use control to simplify the tasks associated with building a series of forms to collect user input.