
WCF-Xtensions includes advanced bindings, binding elements, behaviors, factories and clients that extend the capabilities of your WCF services and improve the performance of your WCF applications.

WCF-Xtensions Features

  • WebSocket Transport - The WebSocket transport offers full-duplex channels over a single TCP connection that enable both clients and servers to send text and binary data to each other whenever they like.
  • Lightweight JSON Messaging - The JSON message encoding enables any WCF client or server to communicate using LiteJM with any other WCF or PowerWebSockets client or server that also uses LiteJM.
  • Fast Infoset Message Encoding - The Fast Infoset message encoding of WCF...

Últimas Notícias

Noemax joins ComponentSource
Noemax joins ComponentSource
June 17, 2011Comunicado de imprensa
DotNetCompression provides better compression for .NET and WCF-Xtensions allows you to accelerate your Web services.

Preços a partir de: $ 881.02

Customers ordering a new Professional subscription receive a perpetual license for one or more named users, royalty-free distribution to endusers, one year access to all releases and nightly builds...

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Como distribuidores oficiais e autorizados, a ComponentSource fornece a você licenças legítimas diretamente de Noemax.
Tipo de componente
  • Classe .NET
  • Silverlight
  • .NET Compact Framework