Steigern der Produktivität durch Formatierung von Code

Dezember 20, 2023
Wenden Sie automatisch konsistente Regeln für die Einrückung, den Abstand und die Ausrichtung an, um die Lesbarkeit und die Pflege von Code sowie die Zusammenarbeit zu verbessern.

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Consistent code formatting makes code clearer and easier to understand, allowing teams to focus on function rather than fighting inconsistencies. Many IDEs enhance productivity by offering auto-formatting, saving time, preventing indentation issues and highlighting syntax errors as you type. This leads to a more robust codebase, ready for version control with clear diffs and minimized merge conflicts. Beyond individual developers, formatting empowers the entire team through streamlined code reviews and improved communication.

Several IDEs incorporate code formatting features including:

  • Rider by JetBrains offers smart indent and code style detection for C#, VB.NET, and more.
  • Delphi Enterprise by Embarcadero provides automatic code formatting and syntax highlighting for Pascal-based languages, reducing visual clutter and errors.
  • EiffelStudio by Eiffel Software contains built-in formatting rules ensuring indentation, braces and spacing adhere to best practices.
  • Visual Studio Enterprise by Microsoft includes customizable code formatting profiles for C#, C++, and other languages, improving readability and collaboration.

For an in-depth analysis of features and price, visit our IDEs comparison.

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