Steigern der Effizienz mit einem einheitlichen App-Testprozess

Februar 20, 2024
Pcloudy kombiniert die No-Code-Testautomatisierung, die Testinfrastruktur und das Testmanagement in einer einzigen Plattform für ein optimiertes Testerlebnis.

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Pcloudy is a unified app testing platform that helps developers and testers ensure the quality and functionality of their applications across a wide range of devices and browsers. It provides a cloud-based infrastructure for manual and automated testing, offering access to thousands of real devices and browser combinations.

Pcloudy's 2024 platform streamlines app testing with a unified solution, catering to testers of all experience levels. Its codeless development tools and AI-powered features empower even non-technical testers to contribute. The platform boasts a comprehensive infrastructure of over 5,000 real devices and integrates seamlessly with CI/CD pipelines for efficient, future-proof testing across web, mobile, and desktop applications. This ensures flawless digital experiences and democratizes quality assurance, fostering collaboration within teams.

To see a full list of what's new in 2024, see our release notes.

Pcloudy is offered as a 1 Year Subscription, licensed per user, per parallel session. Licenses are available for Manual or Automated Testing, for Web or Mobile. See our Pcloudy licensing page for full details.

For more information, visit our Pcloudy product page.