WebStorm 2016.2

Enhances support for TypeScript and frameworks.
Juli 11, 2016
Neue Version


  • TypeScript 2.0 support - WebStorm brings support for many features of TypeScript 2.0: optional class members, readonly property, never type, this function type, global module export declaration, resolve for type declarations in @types folder, path mappings based module resolution, and more. Also, try smarter support for enums.
  • Convert to arrow function - The IDE takes the next step in helping you upgrade your code to ECMAScript 6. Press Alt+Enter on a callback function, and the new Convert to arrow function intention will convert it to an arrow function (or an arrow function to a shorthand arrow function).
  • Using let and const - Another new intention allows you to replace var declarations with let or const. You can also try new .let and .const templates that expand into declarations with let and const keywords once you press Tab.
  • Angular CLI and code snippets - Thanks to the integration with Angular CLI, you can now create new Angular 2 projects from the IDE Welcome screen. And with a collection of Angular 2 Live templates, you’ll have the most used code snippets at your fingertips.
  • Improved React support - WebStorm can now provide code completion and resolve for component properties defined using propTypes. For React events the IDE will automatically add {} instead of "". Non-DOM attributes are no longer marked as unresolved, and similarly, component lifecycle methods are not marked as unused anymore.
  • Support for jspm imports - WebStorm now understands jspm imports in JavaScript projects by analyzing the SystemJS path mappings defined in System.config({}).
  • Support for fonts with ligatures - The editor in WebStorm now supports fonts with programming ligatures, like Fira Code, Monoid or Hasklig. Make sure you enable that in Preferences | Editor | Colors and Fonts | Font.
  • Improvements in working with patches - Working with VCS patches has never been easier. Copy the patch to the clipboard, go to WebStorm – and the IDE will immediately suggest to apply it! Alternatively, just drag the patch file into the IDE, or use the Apply patch action in the VCS menu.
  • Other improvements:
    • Option to add custom background image with Set Background Image action.
    • Drag images, JavaScript or CSS files into the HTML file in the editor to generate src, script or link tags for them.
    • When using React with TypeScript, components are now automatically imported.
    • Code coverage for Dart, other language injection in string literals, and navigation through the call hierarchy for Dart code.
    • Option to specify any Grunt, gulp or npm task as a Before launch task for a Run/Debug configuration.
    • JavaScript debugging in Firefox 36+ using Firefox Remote debug configuration.
    • Improved UI of the VCS log.
TypeScript 2.0 support.


JavaScript- und TypeScript-IDE.

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