Syncfusion Essential Studio for UWP 2016 Volume 3

Verbesserte Diagramm-, Raster- und Kartensteuerelemente, und der Pivot-Client unterstützt nun mehrdimensionale Daten.
Oktober 21, 2016
Neue Version


  • Chart
    • Waterfall Series - The chart control now supports waterfall series.
    • Strip Lines for Polar and Radar Series - Strip lines can be added in polar and radar chart series.
    • Doughnut Hole Customization - A doughnut chart’s hole size can be customized.
    • Grouping and Aggregation - The chart control supports data grouping and aggregation when using a category axis.
  • Data Grid
    • Context Menu - Custom context menu items can be added for end users.
    • Performance Improvements - Filtering performance has been enriched using PLINQ when dealing with millions of items. On-demand captions and group summary calculation support has been added, which improves grouping performance when using more columns with summaries.
    • Summary Support for Unbound Columns - The data grid supports displaying summaries based on unbound column values.
    • Built-in Busy Indicator - A built-in busy indicator for long running data operations like sorting, grouping and filtering has been added for a better user experience when dealing with a large amount of records.
    • Data Operations Based on Display Text - Data operations like sorting, grouping and filtering can be processed based on display text.
  • Essential DocIO
    • Save as ODT File - Essential DocIO supports saving a Word document as an OpenDocument text (ODT) file.
  • Docking Manager - The docking manager is a layout control for configuring an application’s visual elements, similar to the docking behavior in Visual Studio. It features docking, floating, tabbing, and auto-hiding.
  • Maps
    • Point Template - The map control supports customizing the appearance of map points.
    • GeoJSON - The map control can render GeoJSON-format shapes.
  • Pivot Chart
    • Data Sources - In addition to support for OLAP data sources, relational data sources are supported as well.
    • Pivot Client - The pivot client control supports browsing multi-dimensional data that is organized in the form of dimensions, measures, named sets, and KPIs in a cube format. You can visualize the results in graphical (pivot chart) and tabular (pivot grid) formats. The control can also be used to create and edit reports on the fly that are stored for later use.
  • Pivot Gauge
    • Data Sources - In addition to support for OLAP data sources, relational data sources are supported as well.
  • Pivot Grid
    • Loading in Background - The pivot grid control can now perform long-running operations asynchronously on a background thread.
    • Editing and Updating - The pivot grid provides support to edit value and total cells. Also, the control updates the values in real time.
    • Display Options - The pivot grid control provides support for computation items to display calculation values in preferred areas of the control.
    • Subtotal Hiding - The pivot grid control provides support to hide row and column subtotals of certain headers.
  • Presentation
    • Inserting OLE Objects - Support for inserting OLE objects in PowerPoint presentations has been added.
    • Marking a PowerPoint Presentation as Final - Support for marking PowerPoint presentations as final, making it non-editable, has been added.
  • Rich Text Box
    • Spell Checker Support - The rich text box control supports checking for spelling errors in a document, and provides a simple and intuitive interface for providing options like suggestions, ignore, ignore all, and more.
  • Schedule
    • Customization - The schedule control supports a customizable UI for month cells, appointments, headers, and time slots.
    • Vertical Scrolling - Provide elegant touch support for navigating calendar months vertically too.
  • Spreadsheet
    • Built-in Support for Busy Indicator - The spreadsheet control provides built-in support to show a busy indicator while loading a workbook. It also provides support to customize the indicator’s animation style.
  • Tree Grid
    • Node Check Box Support - The tree grid provides support for displaying a check box with each node that can be selected and cleared. It also provides various customization options like selection synchronization, recursive checking support, and enabling or disabling check boxes conditionally based on tree level or data.
    • Row Drag and Drop - Nodes can be dragged and dropped within a tree grid or between multiple tree grids.
    • Data Validations - Cells can be validated and display error information based on INotifyDataErrorInfo and data annotations. Data validations can also be handled dynamically.
    • Context Menu - Custom context menu items can be added for end users.
    • Excel and PDF Exporting - Tree grid data can be exported to Microsoft Excel file formats and PDF. Several customization options are also available for customizing the exporting operations.
  • Essential XlsIO
    • Excel 2016 Charts - Essential XlsIO now supports creating and manipulating new and modern chart types such as waterfall, histogram, pareto, box and whisker, tree map, and sunburst, all of which are introduced in Microsoft Excel 2016.
    • Save as ODS File - Essential XlsIO supports saving a workbook as an OpenDocument Spreadsheet (ODS) file.
New Pivot client.

Syncfusion Essential Studio UWP

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