WebStorm 2016.3

Verbessert die Unterstützung für ES6, TypeScript und Flow und enthält ein neues offizielles Plugin für eine echte Unterstützung für PostCSS.
November 15, 2016
Neue Version


  • Flow support - You can now see type errors reported by Flow, a static type checking system, right in the WebStorm editor as you work with your code, without having to save files. You can also use code completion results provided by Flow.
  • Better TypeScript - TypeScript code analysis and completion are now powered by the TypeScript language service, thanks to which the errors reported in the editor are now consistent with the compiler. On top of that, WebStorm provides its own powerful refactorings and intentions, including a new smart Rename that understands the inheritance hierarchy.
  • Migrating to ES6 - With a new group of inspections, you can highlight code that can be converted to ECMAScript 6. You can easily convert function to arrow function, var declarations to let and const, require calls to import statements, and strings to template strings by pressing Alt-Enter on a statement or using Inspect code to apply changes throughout the project.
  • Convert to class - Start using ECMAScript 6 classes in your code with the new Convert to class intention. Not only can WebStorm convert simple objects with a constructor and some properties to a class, but it can also work with complex prototype chains and create a class hierarchy.
  • PostCSS support - With a new official plugin you will get real support for PostCSS with smart code completion, navigation, inspections, configurable code style and auto-formatting, as well as the Rename refactoring for custom selectors and media queries.
  • React Native - WebStorm can now help you develop mobile apps with React Native. In addition to its smart React support, WebStorm now adds an opportunity to create, run and debug apps from the IDE, as well as code completion for React Native StyleSheet properties.
  • Angular 2 improvements - Use the New popup to generate components, directives, services, and other blueprints in projects created with Angular CLI. Completion and resolve for methods in the templates are now more precise because WebStorm understands available type info.
  • Stylelint - Don’t miss any errors in your stylesheets thanks to integration with Stylelint, a CSS linter. In addition to the built-in WebStorm inspections, you can now see the errors reported by Stylelint right in the editor.
  • Protractor - Integration with Protractor, an end-to-end testing framework for Angular apps, now lets you easily run and debug tests in WebStorm and see test results in a tool window, with options to filter them and quickly jump to the test source.
  • Docker for Node.js apps - New integration with Docker allows you to run and debug your Node.js apps in a Docker container from the IDE. WebStorm can also help you quickly bootstrap Docker for your app.
  • VCS improvements - Searching Git and Mercurial logs in WebStorm has become significantly faster and the UI has gotten much clearer. You can now quickly cancel unpushed commits with a new Undo Commit action, and easily manage remotes in Git via the Configure Remotes dialog.
  • New modern and sharp-looking file icons.
  • Option to create new projects with Create React App from the Welcome screen.
  • Fix file with ESLint quick-fix option is now available for the ESLint error in the editor.
  • Better support for ES6 destructuring: go to definition, quick documentation, and parameter info.
  • Find usages for default-exported functions and classes.
  • New code style options for arrow functions.
  • Compiled JavaScript files are now excluded in TypeScript projects.
  • Yarn can be now used instead of npm.
  • Test names are now available via Go to symbol.
  • Option to create an .editorconfig file based on the IDE code style settings.
  • Generated files with specific file extensions are now grouped automatically in the Project view.
  • Revised UI of file watchers.


JavaScript- und TypeScript-IDE.

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