DevExtreme Complete 16.1.8

Unterstützt Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 RC.
November 18, 2016
Neue Version


  • Adds Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 RC support.


Data Grid

  • dxDataGrid throws an error on inserting a new row if a composition key is used.
  • dxDataGrid - Row height gets large on adaptive resizing (columnHidingEnabled) in case of the wordWrapEnabled option when a column with a large text is hidden.
  • dxDataGrid - It is impossible to get a data field name in a cell template of an adaptive detail row.
  • dxDataGrid - Editors disappear inside the edit form after resizing a browser window.
  • DataGrid MVC Wrapper - The DataSource option of a lookup column cannot be defined as a function.
  • dxDataGrid always displays an adaptive detail column if its position was changed using the columnOption method.
  • dxDataGrid - The "Cannot read property 'attr' of null" error occurs on an attempt to navigate from a non-editable field in the edit form.
  • dxDataGrid does not take invalid data in a form editor into account when saving a row if the grid's column for that editor is hidden.
  • dxDataGrid - Rows can be selected on a long left mouse hold if showCheckBoxesMode is "always".
  • It is impossible to export only selected rows if summaries are applied and the remoteOperations option is enabled.
  • dxDataGrid - The header filter throws an exception and dataSource is set to null.
  • dxDataGrid - A check box cell can be edited in an adaptive detail row if columnHidingEnabled is enabled.

Data Visualization

  • RangeSelector - Years disappear on a date-time scale in some circumstances.
  • dxChart - Axes are not redrawn after hiding series.
  • dxChart - Some labels are not shown on argumentAxis.
  • dxTreeMap - The drill-down feature doesn't work in certain cases.
  • dxChart - The Export feature produces a corrupted PDF under some circumstances.
  • dxChart - Argument strips are not correctly arranged.
  • dxRangeSelector updates left and right scale values independently on moving a selected range.
  • dxChart - The "null is not an object" error is thrown when the logarithmic value axis is used and the data source is empty.
  • Chart export - A PDF file causes Adobe Reader DC save changes alert when there are no changes.

DevExtreme Core

  • HtmlApplication - The Cannot read property 'CareType' of undefined' error occurs when trying to access a view twice with a nested navigation property.
  • The DevExtreme router does not accept the dash in URLs.

DevExtreme Tools

  • The DevExtreme MVC Wrappers package is dependent on Visual Studio 2015 references and won't load in previous VS versions.
  • An OData Service created based on the DevExtreme WebAPI OData Service project template adds a timezone offset to DateTime values.
  • The Native Package Builder writes an incorrect start page parameter in an appx package.

Pivot Grid

  • dxPivotGrid - Filtering doesn't work if it is performed by a hidden field (whose "visible" option is set to false).


  • Group headers overlap if resources are not sorted by ID.
  • dxScheduler - An appointment with zero duration is not shown in the agenda view.
  • dxScheduler displays recurrent appointments incorrectly in the Agenda view under certain conditions.
  • dxScheduler - Years of dates are not taken into account when defining navigator buttons' state.
  • dxScheduler does not allow browsing the previous/next year even if a date range specified using the min and max options is more than a year.
  • dxScheduler passes the startDate and endDate parameter values to the onCellClick event handler with an offset under certain conditions.
  • dxScheduler - Group headers are displayed incorrectly in the agenda view.
  • An all-day event is rendered twice a day on the Agenda view if time zone support is enabled.
  • dxScheduler - The Time scale and the appointment area are moved separately while scrolling in the Compact View if the crossScrollingEnabled setting is enabled.

UI Widgets

  • dxDataGrid - A row filter shows a validation error after resetting.
  • dxForm - Knockout - The onFieldDataChange handler is not executed if the items option is defined and model fields are observable objects.
  • dxTreeView does not raise the contentReady event when the dataSource option is set to an empty array.
  • dxMenu - The 'selectItem' method makes the root menu white on a click.
  • dxDataGrid – An edited cell with dxNumberBox is not switched to the browse mode on the Enter click.
  • dxNumberBox in a grid number column does not allow typing 0 after a comma in IE.
  • dxLookup doesn't display an item if it is set programmatically and a composite key is used.
  • dxTagBox - Search does not work on mobile devices.
  • dxSelectBox - An error (Cannot read property '_itemElements' of undefined) occurs on an attempt to search a value that does not exist in a data source.
  • dxResponsiveBox - The 'itemClick' event does not fire.
  • Browsers hang on an attempt to change a dxRadioGroup value on the dxForm if valueExpr is not defined and items are defined using the items property.
  • A custom dxDateBox value formatter is not called if the same value is typed twice.
  • A browser hangs when dxForm has dxLookup linked to dataField (AngularJS).
  • The byKey method is called on each form change for dxLookup in dxForm in Knockout.
  • dxSelectBox returns the selected value incorrectly on an attempt to update the form data in some cases.
  • dxForm no longer updates formData after the scope binding is changed.
  • dxForm - The source object is not changed when formData is updated.
DevExtreme Complete

DevExtreme Complete

JavaScript-Komponentensammlung für die Entwicklung reaktionsschneller Web-Komponenten.

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