MindFusion.Diagramming for Android 1.4

Integriert die Unterstützung für Fluent API sowie Verbesserungen für  DiagramLink.
Februar 21, 2017
Neue Version


  • Fluent API - Builder classes in com.mindfusion.diagramming.builders package add support for fluent programming style.
  • DiagramLink improvements
    • The component no longer keeps a separate segmentCount field, removing a common source of errors. The SegmentCount property now calculates its value from ControlPoints elements. The updateFromPoints(updateGroups, updateSegments) overload has been removed too.
    • SegmentCount setter no longer refuses changing number of segments if auto-routing is enabled or the link is a self-loop.
    • The new Spline element of LinkShape enumeration draws links as interpolating splines that pass through all of their control points.
  • Enum types - Old-style enumeration classes with static finals have been replaced by enum types, improving type checking and auto-completion support.
MindFusion.Diagramming for Android

MindFusion.Diagramming for Android

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