Syncfusion Essential Studio for JavaScript 2017 Volume 2

Integriert Textanmerkungen, die Mondrian XML/A-Unterstützung und das virtuelle Abrollen in einer Listenansicht.
Mai 22, 2017
Neue Version


  • Common to All JavaScript Controls
    • Aurelia - Skeleton navigations have been added to easily walk you through the Aurelia Syncfusion Bridge, which includes skeletons for TypeScript, ASP.NET Core, and ECMAScript Next (esnext).
    • Angular support - Essential Studio for Angular now supports ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation.
    • Ionic 2 - Essential Studio for JavaScript now supports Ionic 2, allowing you to create high-performance enterprise mobile applications that are also beautiful. The following features are supported:
      • Ability to build with Syncfusion Angular 2 components.
      • TS and SASS support.
      • Easy integration with Electron desktop applications.
      • More than 50 enterprise controls with integration support.
      • Powerful theming.
      • Easy access to native features with Cordova or PhoneGap.
      • Support for all Ionic 2 tooling.
  • Chart
    • Pie of a pie series - A new feature has been added to create a pie of pie chart.
    • Printing - Support has been added for printing a chart.
    • Improved axis element placement - The chart control can now prevent axis elements, such as labels and titles, from being placed inside the chart area when charted values cross the axes.
  • Circular gauge
    • Legend - Legend support has been added to represent ranges in a circular gauge.
  • Diagram
    • Template options for labels - The diagram control now supports defining template content for labels in both HTML and SVG rendering modes.
  • PDF Viewer
    • Text Markup Annotation - Support for text markup annotations (highlight, underline, and strikethrough) has been added to the PDF viewer control. Now PDF documents can be loaded, text markup annotations can be included, and existing annotations can be edited.
  • Schedule
    • Hide weekend days - Weekend days can be hidden in the scheduler, allowing it to display only working days in all views.
  • Spell Checker
    • Check spelling while typing - The spell checker control actively checks for spelling errors when the Enter key or space bar is pressed. It can also check for errors at regular intervals or within selected text.
    • Spell-check multiple targets using class - Multiple HTML elements - such as div and input - can be spell-checked based on CSS class or ID.
    • Check spelling in inline frames - The spell checker control allows content within inline frames to be checked for spelling errors.
  • Gantt
    • PDF Export - Now it is possible to export the Gantt contents to PDF.
    • Custom Toolbar Items - The Gantt control now provides support for custom toolbar items.
    • Mapping Expand Status - It is now possible to map the expand/collapse status of a record in Gantt at initial load.
  • List Box
    • Sorting - Sorting support is now provided to automatically sort list items in ascending or descending order.
  • List View
    • Virtual scrolling - Virtual scrolling support in both normal and continuous mode has been added to load large amounts of data on-demand without buffering.
  • Pivot Chart
    • Grouping labels - Grouping labels in the pivot chart have an option to drill up and drill down to provide a detailed view of series information.
  • Pivot Client
    • Calculated members - The pivot client supports creating and displaying dimensions and measures at run time through an interactive dialog.
  • Common to All Pivot Controls
    • Mondrian XML/A Connection (Client Mode) - All pivot controls can retrieve multidimensional data from Mondrian through an XML/A connection across different versions, applicable only to client mode.
  • Rich Text Editor
    • Paste cleanup - Content copied from Word or a webpage (HTML) will preprocessed, cleaned, and formatted for proper HTML when pasted into the rich-text editor.
  • Tree Grid
    • Adaptive Rendering - The tree grid control’s UI has been improved for rendering in mobile environments.
    • Dialog Editing - The tree grid control now provides support for dialog editing.
    • Custom Toolbar Items - The tree grid control now provides support for custom toolbar items.
    • Column Validations - Now it is possible to validate a record before updating it to the database in adding and editing actions.
    • Mapping Expand status - It is now possible to map the expand/collapse status of a record in tree grid at initial load.
    • Check Box Column - The tree grid provides support to display check box columns with Boolean data.
The tree grid control now provides support for dialog editing.

Syncfusion Essential Studio JavaScript

Eine umfassende UI-Bibliothek für JavaScript.

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