Actipro Editors for Universal Windows 2017.1 build 311

Verbessert alle numerische Eingabefelder im Hinblick auf eine bessere Unterstützung angepasster Formate
Juli 6, 2017
Neue Version


  • Added a DefaultValue property to numerous edit boxes that provides the value to set when incrementing/decrementing from a null value.
  • Improved all numeric edit boxes to better support custom formats (e.g. 0' days').
  • Added the MonthCalendar.DayItemTemplateSelector property, which allows for flexible customization of how each day is presented.
  • Updated edit boxes to handle mouse wheel events when their popup is open.


  • Fixed a bug where DateEditBox.CanRetainTime didn't always work properly.
  • Fixed a bug in EnumEditBox where a data-bound flags value might not initially appear correctly in the popup.
Actipro Editors for Universal Windows

Actipro Editors for UWP

Erweiterte Editor-Steuerelemente für die Dateneingabe über Berührung, Maus und Tastatur.

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