DevExtreme 17.1.5

Die Aktualisierung beinhaltet mehrere Fehlerkorrekturen.
August 3, 2017
Neue Version


Data Grid

  • A click on the Save button on the edit form closes the detail area.
  • dxDataGrid - A layout is incorrect in Firefox when native scrolling and width restriction are enabled.
  • dxDataGrid - A row is not added if the master-detail mode is active.
  • dxDataGrid - Adaptivity - The cellTemplate content is lost on an attempt to resize the details element when the columnHidingEnabled option is enabled.
  • dxDataGrid - An adaptive row doesn't disappear after the Delete command link is clicked in a new row in batch editing mode.
  • dxDataGrid - Cascading lookup columns do not work when the Popup edit form is enabled.
  • dxDataGrid - Cell data is not displayed in lookup columns if the grid's state is initially loaded.
  • dxDataGrid - Changes in the grid state are not reflected in Column Chooser.
  • dxDataGrid - Load Panel is not displayed on searching in Infinite scrolling mode.
  • dxDataGrid - Long help text overlaps the next Edit Form editor in Edge.
  • dxDataGrid - Not all editors are validated by a click on a checkbox cell.
  • dxDataGrid - The "A binary operator with incompatible types was detected" error is thrown when a filter expression is restored from its saved state for a lookup column.
  • dxDataGrid - The "No Data" caption is displayed in certain conditions when the grid's datasource is assigned dynamically.
  • dxDataGrid - The client-side error (RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded) occurs on keyboard navigation when virtual scrolling is enabled.
  • dxDataGrid - The first cell is switched to the editing state on clicking dxDataGrid inside cellTemplate in cell editing mode.
  • dxDataGrid - The header filter does not respect the 'trueText' and 'falseText' option values.
  • dxDataGrid - The rowRemoving event is raised continuously on a cell click if jQuery.promise is used to return the result in cell editing mode.
  • dxDataGrid - The selectedRowKeys array contains an undefined value when the "Select All" and grouping features are enabled.
  • dxDataGrid - The validation message of a lookup cell overlaps the Revert button.
  • dxDataGrid displays a new adaptive row when the Popup edit form is shown.
  • dxDataGrid does not display the focused frame for a cell when an edit cell template is used.
  • dxDataGrid does not hide columns when the adaptive column is too narrow.
  • It is impossible to clear the filter row value in certain cases.
  • It's not possible to drag a column from the column chooser in MS Edge.
  • The calculateCellValue function returns an incorrect type in TypeScript definitions.
  • The error message is overlapped by the column header if the grid has only one row.
  • The grid does not keep focus in a grid cell after selecting a value from dxAutocomplete.
  • Two neighbouring rows have the same background if the rowAlternationEnabled option is enabled under certain conditions.

Data Visualization

  • Definition for SeriesTemplate.customizeSeries is wrong.
  • dxChart - A browser hangs if a data source has very small values and synchronizedValue is enabled.
  • dxChart - Bar series disappear when two bars are too close.
  • dxChart - The order of data points can be incorrect in multiple Line series.
  • The "widget.getSize is not a function" error occurs on an attempt to pass a dxVectorMap, dxRangeSelector, dxTreeMap instance to the getMarkup method.
  • The DevExpress.viz.exportFromMarkup method draws a custom title with incorrect alignment in the exported image if the title is rendered using nested span elements.

DevExtreme Core

  • DevExtreme widgets don't pass the Content Security Policy.
  • dxDataGrid - Setting a column's format="year" throws an error.
  • dxResponsiveBox - The Angular sample from documentation does not work.
  • dxTileView - Scrolling using a drag action doesn't work on Mac OS.
  • MVC - A widget is not initialized when it has a dot in its id field.

DevExtreme Tools

  • Project Converter throws an exception when processing the config.xml file.

Pivot Grid

  • dxPivotGrid - Initial alignment of the horizontal scrollbar is incorrect in RTL mode.
  • dxPivotGrid - Running totals are not updated on sorting.
  • dxPivotGrid - The horizontal scrollbar misaligns the last row under certain conditions.
  • dxPivotGrid changes the order of defined columns under certain conditions.
  • dxPivotGrid filters date values incorrectly.


  • dxScheduler - An overnight appointment is rendered incorrectly in the timeline view.
  • dxScheduler - It is not possible to create a recurring weekly event.
  • dxScheduler - The crossScrollingEnabled option doesn't display a horizontal scrollbar if dateCellTemplate is defined.
  • dxScheduler - The horizontal scrollbar is missing when there is resourceCellTemplate.
  • dxScheduler - There is no enough space to add a new appointment for the same hours in the day view if crossScrollingEnabled is true.
  • dxScheduler incorrectly displays a long appointment in the drop-down list of appointments.

Tree List

  • dxTreeList - The last column width is incorrect when the native scrolling is used.

UI Widgets

  • dxColorBox - It is impossible to change a value in the editor.
  • dxDataGrid - Scrolling continues if the mouse button is released outside the grid and moved back.
  • dxDataGrid - The search field is not focused when the icon is clicked.
  • dxDateBox - A validation error occurs when a date contains an umlaut.
  • dxDateBox - The width is changed if there is an invalid value.
  • dxDateBox does not scroll to the selected value when the "time" type is enabled in an AngularJS app.
  • dxFileUploader - A file is empty if it's uploaded to the server using the useForm option.
  • dxList - "Select All" stops working after selecting all items if selectAllMode is "allPages".
  • dxList - Ink ripple animation doesn't appear on the "Select All" item click in the Android theme.
  • dxMap - The Bing Map is needed to be upgraded to V8.
  • dxPopover does not respond on outside click until animation finishes.
  • dxSelectBox loads data many times on focusing the editor on iOS if the page size is 5.
  • dxSelectBox throws the "Cannot read property 'searchExpr' of undefined" error under certain conditions.
  • dxSwitch does not change its position and is not animated in Chrome and IE.
  • dxTagBox - The widget cannot be focused when clicked and the openOnFieldClick option is set to false.
  • dxTagBox resets typed text when an item is selected by clicking on its text if the showSelectionControls option is set to true.
  • dxTextBox changes the value from null to an empty string when losing focus.
  • dxTreeView - 'Maximum Call Stack Size Exceeded' with circular references in the data source.
  • Provide the DropDownBoxFor extension method.
  • The browser window content is scrolled when the dxList item is selected using the Space key.

DevExtreme Complete

JavaScript-Komponentensammlung für die Entwicklung reaktionsschneller Web-Komponenten.

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