DevExtreme 17.2.4

Das Wartungsupdate enthält mehrere Fehlerkorrekturen.
Dezember 14, 2017
Neue Version


Data Visualization

  • Documentation - The chart onInitialized help topic gives a link to the onContentReady event which does not exist on the chart.
  • dxChart - A connector line of a label is not aligned properly.
  • dxChart - In a certain configuration, labels overlap the chart title and the legend when resolveLabelOverlapping is set to 'shift'.
  • dxChart - Incorrect zooming when dataSource has null points.
  • dxChart - The stackedArea series with the second value axis doesn't work properly.
  • dxChart displays a big gap between 2 and 3 hours for the Daylight Saving day on the Central European time zone.
  • dxChart's TypeScript definitions for properties that accept an object or an array of objects are incorrect.
  • dxLinearGauge - Widget is displayed when the value indicator's width/length is set to zero.
  • dxVectorMap - The vectormaputils.parse method doesn't accept a response if statusText is empty.

Pivot Grid

  • dxPivotGrid starts continuously re-rendering itself after expanding certain columns if the virtual scrolling is used.

DevExtreme Demos

  • The "Advanced Master-Detail View" demo for ASP.NET Core does not work.

Data Grid

  • A filter is not applied in the filter row when the "calculateFilterExpression" option is defined.
  • A delayed option initialization scenario does not work correctly.
  • Documentation - The code example in the calculateFilterExpression help section is not reliable.
  • Grouping causes an unnecessary horizontal scrollbar.
  • Tab navigation skips fields in the adaptive detail row on editing.
  • The "Clear" button is incorrectly displayed for dxNumberBox and dxDateBox.
  • The addColumn method does not add a banded column.
  • The built-in edit form is cut off if the grid doesn't contain any records.
  • The built-in keyboard is shown and then hidden when a user taps into the pager editor.
  • The error message panel is still shown for a column editor in Batch mode when the column's validationRules message is set to "".
  • Values of a date column with a certain custom format defined in the formatter are incorrectly shown in the exported document.
  • dxDataGrid displays an unnecessary horizontal scrollbar if columnAutoWidth and columnHidingEnabled are enabled.
  • dxDataGrid does not render group rows properly when a row template is defined in markup.
  • dxDataGrid Filtering demo - The approach not supported by the grid's state storing feature is used for the "OrderDate" column's custom header filter items.
  • dxDataGrid placed in dxResponsiveBox displays a different number of columns in IE and Chrome if Adaptability is enabled.
  • dxDataGrid renders unexpected group headers of the edit form starting with 17.1.8 when the embedded dxForm configuration is defined.
  • dxDateGrid - The noDataText text is not properly centered when it is long and wordWrapEnabled is enabled.
  • The first item of the grid's edit form is focused on changing a value in the master cascading lookup.
  • The grid does not re-apply search after its data source is changed.

DevExtreme Core

  • dxChart - It is not possible to update the strips if there's a label on them.
  • dxDataGrid doesn't automatically track changes in empty nested data fields in Angular.
  • dxDataGrid throws the "Unable to process binding 'text'" error when adaptive rows are enabled under certain conditions.
  • dxDataGrid/dxPivotGird - Incorrect object context in the width/height function.
  • dxPopup - Defining titleTemplate throws an error in an Angular app.
  • dxTextBox throws the "document.activeElement.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded is not a function" error on Android in a mobile Firefox.
  • Templates nested in NamedTemplate are not rendered if there is only one control on the view (ASP.NET Core only).
  • The "Unexpected identifier <" error is thrown when a DevExtreme MVC control is rendered in a template of another control under certain conditions.
  • The getDataSource method for dxDropDownList is missing in TypeScript definitions.
  • The TypeScript definition of the EndpointSelector class does not have a constructor.
  • Typescript Definitions - The DataSource class does not accept a Store in the constructor.

DevExtreme Tools

  • The Intellisense popup is duplicated when typing in a dxview file in VS2015.


  • Vertical scroll does not work when crossScrollingEnabled and showAllDayPanel are true.
  • An appointment's resource type is changed after dragging when the resource.allowMultiple option is enabled.
  • Appointments are not displayed in timeline views when crossScrollingEnabled = true (FF, Edge, IE 9-11 ).
  • Cells on the month view have incorrect height when the Angular approach is used.
  • It is impossible to cancel an appointment's click or double click event for an appointment collector.
  • It is possible to drag an appointment from an appointment collector even if the allowDragging option is set to false.
  • shadeUntilCurrentTime does not work for all resources.
  • shadeUntilCurrentTime in combination with crossScrollingEnabled disables scheduler cells.
  • The "Done" button is always disabled even if custom validation in AppointmentAdding was not passed after the fix from T542841.
  • The current time indicator is not rendered correctly in Week and Work Week views in IE11.
  • Timeline views are not displayed when the height is not specified.
  • Unable to navigate to the minimum date using the date navigator.
  • dxScheduler does not allow selecting the max date.
  • The Scheduler (in UTC) onAppointmentClick event handler is passing incorrect dates for appointmentData and targetedAppointmentData in recurrences.

Tree List

  • Adding a child node to a node that does not have children does not work when the Add button is clicked the first time.
  • dxTreeList initially renders only the first page if its data source is set asynchronously.

UI Widgets

  • Documentation - The onContentReady link in the onInitialized topic leads to nowhere (dxTextBox, dxButton, etc.).
  • dxCalendar uses incorrect month name abbreviations.
  • dxDataGrid - "Cannot read property 'setSelectionRange' of undefined" when a custom format is used.
  • dxDateBox - The jQueryEvent parameter is undefined if the "Clear" button is clicked.
  • dxFileUploader with the defined "accept" option rejects a file with a capitalized extension.
  • dxForm - It's impossible to access an item using itemOption inside a group or tab with multiple spaces in the caption.
  • dxList - Selected item keys are cleared when a datasource is updated.
  • dxLookup - searchExpr has an incorrect typescript definition.
  • dxMap: An error appears on simultaneously changing the "markers" and "provider" options.
  • dxMenu - The onSubmenuHidden event is raised multiple times.
  • dxNumberBox - Sometimes it is impossible to delete some digits.
  • dxNumberBox - Enter the decimal delimiter with the currency format when valueChangeEvent = "input keyup".
  • dxNumberBox - It is impossible to edit a value if a percent is screened.
  • dxNumberBox - It's impossible to clear a value if the mask contains '0' and Intl is registered.
  • dxNumberBox - The onValueChanged event does not fire after typing digits.
  • dxNumberBox shows a wrong decimal text for the 1.1 value when a mask is used.
  • dxNumberBox throws the 'cannot read property toString of undefined' error when setting its value to undefined.
  • dxSelectBox - It's impossible to clear the current value if fieldTemplate is used.
  • dxTagBox - Selected tags have empty text if hideSelectedItems is "true".
  • dxTagBox - The Custom Values functionality does not work correctly in Angular when tags are loaded via the dataSource option.
  • dxTagBox - The filter argument of the CusomStore.load function is incorrectly merged when the hideSelectedItems option is enabled.
  • dxTagBox - Widget fails to open in iOS when the multiline option is disabled.
  • dxTextBox - The onValueChanged event handler contains the "event" parameter even if a value is changed programmatically.
  • It is impossible to remove a dxTagBox item that has a value field equal to 0.

DevExtreme Complete

JavaScript-Komponentensammlung für die Entwicklung reaktionsschneller Web-Komponenten.

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