Telerik UI for Xamarin R1 2018

Integriert ein NumericInput-Steuerelement für numerische Eingaben, die gezielt an iOS-, Android- und UWP-Platformen angepasst sind.
März 27, 2018
Neue Version


  • NumericInput - New control allows developers to easily take numeric input from users with a convenient UI, tailored for each of the target platforms – iOS, Android, UWP.
    • Added StringFormat property. The format is applied when the control is not focused.
    • Enabled Globalization - culture specific symbols used in the string format are taken from the culture of the current thread.


  • Calendar
    • Fixed - [Android]: Exception is thrown when selecting specific dates with range selection.
  • ListView
    • Fixed - [iOS]: Items' appearance is lost when scrolling a ListView with custom ItemTemplateSelector.
  • SideDrawer
    • Fixed - Exception when switching to Tab that contains the control.
    • Fixed - [iOS] Content views lose their binding context when navigate to another page and return back.
  • SlideView
    • Fixed - [UWP] The content is missing when it contains a ScrollView.
    • Fixed - One slide is shown twice when SelectedIndex is bound and the InfiniteScrolling is enabled.
Telerik UI for Xamarin

Telerik UI for Xamarin

Hochwertige Xamarin-UI-Steuerelemente für eine schnelle Entwicklung und überlegene Leistung.

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