Aspose.Tasks for .NET V18.6

Integriert die zusätzliche Validierung für manuelle Aufgaben und Zuordnungen ohne Ressourcen.
Juni 7, 2018
Neue Version


  • Added support for the reading and writing of extended attributes for resource assignments.
  • Added additional validation for manual tasks and assignments without resources.


  • Fixed calculation of Stop/Resume dates when assignment percent work equals 100.
  • Fixed calculation of Start/Finish dates when duration is set after them.
  • Fixed calculation of Stop/Resume dates of tasks during recalculation.
  • Writes contoured time phased data in the wrong way.
  • A HyperlinkBase project property value is truncated up to 15 characters.
  • Duration is zeroed when material resource is being used.
  • No links on tasks after an export to PDF/HTML/images.
  • Resource usage distribution is not correct in the resultant MPP file.
  • Wrong elapsed duration for a summary task.
  • Actual Start date disappears after a resaving.
  • Partial baselines are skipped when reading assignments baselines.
  • XER to MPP raises TaskWritingException.
  • Baseline extended attribute values for assignments are lost in resaved file.
  • Wrong duration set for all tasks when days set for a task.
  • Wrong dates/duration set in MPP for CalculationMode.None and IsManual = true.
  • Extra extended attribute value fetched for a task.
  • Schedule is broken after a resave of XML MSP project with custom time phased data.
  • Extended attributes lost while resaving MPP file.
Aspose.Tasks for .NET

Aspose.Tasks for .NET

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