Actipro SyntaxEditor for Silverlight 2018.1 build 0231

Verbessert die Logik bei der Hervorhebung der ein- und ausblendbaren Region.
Oktober 18, 2018
Neue Version


  • Updated several language add-on token tagger classes to better support syntax highlighting for other merged languages.
  • Improved collapsible region highlighting logic.
  • LL(*) Parser Framework - Updated the IParserState.ReportError method to allow a higher-level parse error to overwrite an existing parse error at the same text position.
  • .NET Languages Add-on - Improved IntelliPrompt when typing within lambda expressions.


  • Fixed a bug where tab/space indent measuring could be off.
  • Fixed a bug where calling TextSnapshotReader.PeekTokenReverse at the end of a snapshot might not retain the document end token.
Actipro SyntaxEditor for Silverlight

Actipro SyntaxEditor for Silverlight

Eine Parsing-Suite für Silverlight mit einem Editor-Steuerelement für die Syntax-Hervorbebung im Code.

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