Rider 2018.3

Integriert die Code Vision, das Rename Project-Refactoring und das Assembly Explorer-Fenster.
Dezember 19, 2018
Neue Version


  • Code Vision - Code Vision is a new way to see useful information about your code right in the editor. In this release, Code Vision shows usages, version control info, derived types, extension methods, and exposing APIs, as well as a couple of Unity-specific metrics.
  • Remote debugging via SSH - Rider 2018.3 makes it possible to remotely debug .NET Framework, .NET Core, and Mono applications. Use the new action - Attach to Remote Process - to see all processes running on the remote machine. Once you select a remote process, Rider will attach the debugger to it letting you pause execution, place breakpoints, and so on. In addition to remote debugging, the debugger in Rider provides:
    • A brand new engine for the expression evaluator under the hood, which lets you use the latest C# syntax in debugger watches.
    • Support for pointer operations in the Watches tool window, including arithmetic, dereferencing and others.
    • When inspecting variables, the context menu helps you switch between decimal and hexadecimal for numeric values.
  • Rename Project refactoring - Rename a project automatically with a minimum effort.
  • Assembly Explorer - Open multiple assemblies, and to traverse and explore all open assemblies. It is available as a view in the Explorer window, in addition to the Solution and the File System views. Note also the View in Assembly Explorer context action for referenced assemblies, which can help you open them in the Assembly Explorer view.
  • Launch settings - If a project contains one or more launchSettings.json files, Rider 2018.3 auto-imports the launch profiles defined in these files and creates run/debug configurations for them. This release also comes with editor support for launchSettings.json files. Syntax highlighting, code analysis, and code completion are available.
  • IDE update
    • The Search Everywhere popup has been completely redesigned and now looks more modern.
    • The new Plugins pages in Preferences/Settings gets updated:
    • It makes managing IDE plugins easier: search, install, update, or uninstall.
    • Search for plugins works not only by name but also by tags, and the results can be sorted by downloads, name, rating, featured, or updated date.
  • C# language support - C# language support has been significantly improved:
    • Inline parameter name hints made it right to the editor to make C# code more readable.
    • Improved C# 7 deconstruction support includes new/updated inspections, quick-fixes, and context actions. Go To Declaration/Implementation now supports deconstruction declarations.
    • Several code inspections, quick-fixes, and context actions for parameterized NUnit tests.
  • Visual Basic .NET support - The following features of VB.NET 15.3 and 15.5 are supported:
    • Named tuple inference.
    • Leading hex/binary/octal separator.
    • Non-trailing named arguments.
    • Private Protected member access modifier.
    • Inline parameter name hints and a quick-fix Set Visual Basic language version which behave similarly to their C# counterparts.
  • Web development
    • Improved Angular support.
    • Multiline TODOs in JavaScript and TypeScript.
    • TypeScript 3.1 features: mappable tuple and array types, and new property assignments.
    • Better null and undefined checks.
    • You can now debug Node.js worker threads.
    • Newly added intentions: Extract ruleset, Replace var() with its fallback value, and Convert a function to a variable holding arrow function.
    • Option to use a custom severity level for linters.
  • VCS support
    • Manage GitHub Pull Requests right in the IDE.
    • Work with Git Submodules. Rider fetches all git repositories in the project in parallel during the project update.
    • Use advanced navigation in the VCS Log.
    • See a Diff Preview on the File History tab of the Version Control tool window.
  • Android development
    • WYSIWYG designer and code completion for AXML/Android Manifest files.
    • Logcat command-line tool and Android Profiler.
    • SDK/AVD Manager, Device File Explorer, and Layout inspector.
  • NuGet support
    • Support for NuGet servers that use NTLM/Windows authentication (on Windows).
    • Find this type on nuget.org action, which you may know from ReSharper, is now an available in the Alt + Enter menu for unresolved symbols.
    • A new quick-fix, Install missing .NET Core Adapter, is available in unit test files if you missed a required package.
    • Better and faster package search in the NuGet window is based on NuGet Completion Service.
    • The NuGet window shows more NuGet Folders based on NuGet.config files.
    • In the Properties dialog, a new NuGet page is available for a project where you can file all the information you need to pack the project to a NuGet package.
  • Language injections - SQL, CSS, HTML, JSON, regular expressions, JavaScript, and many other language injections now cover C# string literals. SQL language injections are automatically added based on the string content, and you can now manually mark any string literals with comments.
  • Integrated performance profiler - Rider gets an integrated performance profiler. For now, the profiling features are available on Windows, while on Linux you can only analyze performance snapshots.
  • F# support - Brand new F# lexers for both IntelliJ IDEA’s frontend and ReSharper’s backend. Required for several existing features, these lexers will help us further improve language support. In this release, the new backend lexer helps us get rid of a lot of hacks. It implements the following features the right way, using the full power of ReSharper’s backend:
    • New typing assists for brackets, quotes, and auto-indent on pressing Enter.
    • Rename refactoring works for local symbols.
    • New inspection to find Unused opens and the corresponding quick-fix.
  • Project and file templates
    • UWP project templates added.
    • Xamarin-related project templates updated.
    • New file templates for app.config / web.config / appSettings.json files.
  • Azure Toolkit for Rider - Azure Toolkit for JetBrains Rider is an open-source plugin that helps .NET developers easily create, develop, configure, test, manage, and deploy web apps to Azure directly from Rider, and work with such resources as storage, Redis cache, and virtual machines. You can now work with Azure SQL Databases, and it includes support for Cloud Shell.
  • Database support - Courtesy of JetBrains DataGrip, Rider’s database support is enhanced in the following ways:
    • Added support for one more NoSQL database - Cassandra.
    • Generate SQL files for the selected objects.
    • Support for extensions in PostgreSQL.
    • Several improvements in SQL code completion.
    • Postfix completion has been introduced.
    • Single connection mode.
  • Other features
    • Zero-latency typing. Even for smart typing assists that do long tasks like reformatting code, Rider UI won’t be blocked and the code editor stays smooth and responsive.
    • Refactored and optimized the loading assemblies stage to speed up solution loading.
    • High-contrast color theme is available.
    • Ctrl+Click on an entity declaration now shows usages.
    • Four new refactorings added: Move to Resource, Inline Resource, Move Resource, and Rename Resource.
    • You can set environment variables for executing unit tests under File | Settings | Build, Execution, Deployment | Unit Testing | Test Runner.
    • XSLT Debugger is now available.
    • To-do color settings are finally applied to the code editor, and To-do items can now be grouped by project.
    • You can explore the inheritance hierarchy of types via Navigate | Type Hierarchy.
    • Roslyn Analyzers properly run on .NET Core if MSBuild is not installed.
    • Syntax highlighting, inspections, and other analyses in .editorconfig files.
    • A new action, Build only this project without dependencies, can be handy if you have a custom build system.
    • Projects get reloaded if an MSBuild import was changed.
    • Both Directory.Build.props and Directory.Build.targets are supported.
    • Copy Reference to help you copy the fully qualified name of a code entity (select Edit | Copy Reference).
    • Tab/ShiftTab indentation now behaves like it does in Visual Studio. Pressing Tab or ShiftTab aligns the code to the closest indentation (when the indent is set in spaces).
    • Open in Rider action was added to the File Explorer context menu. It works only on Windows and only if Rider was installed via the installer (and not via Toolbox App).
  • Another update for Unity
    • Performance indicators - Rider will highlight event functions that are called each frame, such as Update, FixedUpdate, and LateUpdate, as well as coroutine methods.
    • Extended Find Usages with data pulled from Unity scenes, assets, and prefabs. If you search for a class or method used as an event handler, Rider will show where it’s used in your Unity files, grouped by type, component name, and parent game objects. Double clicking the item will highlight the usage directly in the Unity Editor.
    • Pulling this information from Unity files also means that Rider will now correctly highlight event handler methods as being implicitly used. The implicit usage highlights have been moved from the text editor gutter icons and turned them into Code Vision links, so you can see at a glance what classes, methods, and fields are implicitly used by Unity. And clicking the link will find those usages, even inside Unity files.
    • The debugger learned more about Unity, too, and is now able to show extra data for Unity objects. It can also give you data for raw pointers, which is helpful for examining native containers in ECS jobs.
Assembly Explorer


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