SQL Compare v13.6.14

Es wird eine neue Option hinzugefügt, um die Sensitivitätsklassifizierung auf Feldern zu ignorieren.
Februar 5, 2019
Neue Version


  • Adds a new option to ignore sensitivity classifications on fields.
  • Additional logging of .NET assembly loading to help investigate SDC-2906.


  • SC-10397: SQL Compare now sets the correct value for NATIVE_COMPILATION when reading from a scripts folder.
  • SC-10398: Fixed a snapshot deserialization crash for case differences in column names between temporal and history tables.
  • SC-10402: Dropping temporal tables with columns that depend on a user defined type no longer throw an exception.
SQL Compare

SQL Compare

Vergleicht und synchronisiert SQL Server-Datenbank-Schemata.

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