DevExpress Windows 10 Apps 19.1

Verwenden Sie die Date-Navigator-Steuerung, um die sichtbaren Daten innerhalb des Schedulers anzuzeigen und auszuwählen, und profitieren Sie von der Drag-and-Drop-Unterstützung.
Mai 20, 2019
Neue Version



  • Integration with the Date Navigator - The SchedulerDateNavigationBehavior allows you to use the Date Navigator control to display and select visible dates within the Scheduler.
  • Time Indicators
  • Appointment CRUD Events - Implemented new events that allow you to control CRUD operations (create, read, update and delete appointments):
    • AppointmentAdding / AppointmentAdded
    • AppointmentUpdating / AppointmentUpdated
    • AppointmentRemoving / AppointmentRemoved
    • EditDialogShowing
    • DeleteDialogShowing
  • Reminders - The UWP Scheduler control can display reminders for single or recurring events. You can configure alerts by handling the RemindersDialogShowing event.
  • Drag and Drop - Now supports drag and drop operations within the Windows 10 Scheduler control. Users can drag appointments to change date/time or rearrange events between resources. Drag and drop to and from an external source is also supported. The new Windows 10 Scheduler API includes the following events:
    • AppointmentDragStarting
    • SerializeAppointments
    • DeserializeAppointments
    • AppointmentDragEnter
    • AppointmentDragOver
    • AppointmentDragLeave
    • AppointmentDrop
    • AppointmentDropCompleted
DevExpress Windows 10 Apps

DevExpress UWP (Windows 10 Apps)

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