DevExtreme 19.2.4

Verbessert Pivot Grid-, Diagram- und Data Grid-Steuerelemente.
November 22, 2019
Neue Version


All Angular products

  • A possible memory leak in an Angular SSR application with DevExtreme

DevExtreme Data Grid

  • Added rows disappear after scrolling if the 'scrolling.mode' and 'scrolling.rowRenderingMode' options are set to 'virtual'
  • Buttons in group cell templates aren't clickable when column fixing is enabled and the grid is scrolled to the right
  • Drag&Drop does not work when the focused row feature is enabled
  • Fixed column layout is broken after resizing a non-fixed column if wordWrapEnabled is enabled and the height is set
  • How to customize export in an Angular application
  • It is not possible to handle the Ctrl+Arrow key down as a default Arrow key down for cell navigation
  • It is not possible to select the SelectBox value in groupCellTemplate when fixed columns are used in version 19.1.5
  • Lookup does not highlight a selected item if the opened field is enabled
  • Required validation in not working when grouping
  • Row Dragging - A dragged row displays wrong row data if grouping is enabled
  • Setting showEditorAlways to true on a dxi-column resets focus when editing
  • The columnWidth option does not change column width dynamically
  • The cssClass option is not applied if a column is grouped and the showWhenGrouped option is set to true
  • The expandRow method does not expand a row in the case of virtual scrolling
  • The row dragging doesn't work correctly when there is master-detail
  • The rowDblClick event is raised when the adaptive row panel is clicked once
  • The widget leaves an editor rendered in the cell if a user press the Escape button when editing a cell value
  • The widget renders its content incorrectly in Firefox when scrolling if one column is fixed
  • DataGrid cell value does not clear when calculateDisplayValue is used
  • DataGrid demos with arrow functions don't work in IE
  • DataGrid displays white strips for hidden columns in IE
  • DataGrid freezes the page when a column is deleted and the Grid contains band columns
  • LoadPanel ignores the position option starting with v19.2.3
  • SelectBox - The zero value is not displayed in the popup when displayExpr points to a numeric property
  • The "Added non-passive event listener to a scroll-blocking <some> event. Consider marking event handler as 'passive' to make the page more responsive." error occurs on scrolling
  • TreeList - The "Cannot read property 'parent' of undefined" error occurs on an attempt to remove the non-existing key from the store

DevExtreme Data Visualization

  • Chart - A side-by-side chart is rendered incorrectly if aggregationInterval is set to month and a data source contains data only for one month
  • Chart - Multiple client-side errors are thrown when chart options are updated in version 19.1.8-build-19291-1133
  • Chart - SVG transformations are not taken into account in the PDF format when exporting a chart by using the exportFromMarkup function
  • Chart - The "e.getTime is not a function" error occurs when zooming a chart if a value axis contains dates
  • Sankey - The "Cannot read property 'attributes' of undefined" error occurs when exporting a chart by using the exportFromMarkup function

DevExtreme Demos

  • The 'No HTTP resource was found that matches the request URI error occurs in the Overview demo

DevExtreme Diagram

  • Custom shapes cannot be dragged when baseType is set to "predefinedProcess"
  • Newly inserted shapes cannot be deleted from a data source
  • The resetOption method does not work for the customShapes option as expected

DevExtreme File Management

  • DevExtreme File Manager - It is not possible to declare toolbox' fileSelectionItems in Angular
  • The 'No HTTP resource was found that matches the request URI error occurs in the Overview demo

DevExtreme Pivot Grid

  • The "Failed to execute 'createObjectURL' on 'URL'" error occurs on clicking the "Export to Excel File" button

DevExtreme Scheduler

  • A weekly recurring appointment has the incorrect start position when it is repeated for several times
  • It is not possible to prevent the appointment form opening when the enter or space key is used
  • Scheduler displays an error on appointment tooltip opening

DevExtreme Tree List

  • The "Added non-passive event listener to a scroll-blocking <some> event. Consider marking event handler as 'passive' to make the page more responsive." error occurs on scrolling
  • Rows don't loose focus (visually) when another row is focused
  • The widget incorrectly resizes its columns if rtlEnabled is true and columnResizingMode is set to "widget"
  • TreeList does not remember which nodes are collapsed and which are not
  • TreeList doesn't keep collapsed rows when a filter and selection are applied on state storing

DevExtreme UI Widgets

  • Bug in List drag'drop - items are overwritten/duplicated
  • DataGrid - Lookup does not highlight a selected item if the opened field is enabled
  • DateBox - It is impossible to change an invalid value via a date picker if a custom validation rule is defined
  • DateBox - Native pickers are not displayed if the drop-down button is clicked on a mobile device
  • DateBox - The "Uncaught TypeError: Failed to execute 'getComputedStyle' on 'Window': parameter 1 is not of type 'Element'." error occurs when both showClearButton and readOnly option is enabled
  • DropDownButton - Drop-down part is truncated after updating to v.19.2
  • DropDownButton ignores explicit height option specification
  • FilterBuilder - "Add group/condition" overlay doesn't disappear when ScrollView containing FilterBuilder is scrolled
  • Form - An exception is thrown on changing the option of a hidden item
  • Form - Disabling a tab of the tabbed item leads to re-rendering
  • Inconsistent ClearButton (area) sizes in different widgets
  • Labels are aligned incorrectly when changing item visibility inside a group
  • Lookup - A popup element shows a dark overlay in the Material theme
  • Lookup - Height is calculated incorrectly in Firefox
  • Menu - The 'aria-activedescendant' attribute doesn't refer to any element
  • NumberBox - The control returns an incorrect value when a certain format is specified
  • NumberBox incorrectly renders 'aria-valuemin', 'aria-valuemax', 'aria-valuenow' attributes in certain cases
  • Overlay-based widget's has an incorrect shader/overlay dimensions
  • Popup - AngularJS - Title text is cropped in the Material theme
  • Popup - The overlay shade is displayed incorrectly after the upgrade to v19.2
  • SelectBox - TextBox in FieldTemplate is not stretched horizontally
  • SelectBox - The "TypeError: Failed to execute 'getComputedStyle' on 'Window'" error occurs when the 'container' option is an empty jQuery set
  • SelectBox - The zero value is not displayed in the popup when displayExpr points to a numeric property
  • TabPanel - When the title of a tab is empty, "[object Object]" appears on it
  • TagBox - The bottom part of the "selectAllText" text is hidden
  • TextBox - IE opens the previous page when Backspace is pressed if the widget is read only and focused

DevExtreme Complete

JavaScript-Komponentensammlung für die Entwicklung reaktionsschneller Web-Komponenten.

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