DevExpress Office File API 19.2.5

Verbessert die APIs für die Textverarbeitung, die Tabellenkalkulation und PDF-Dateien.
Dezember 19, 2019
Neue Version


All Office File API products

  • Export - FontName is written incorrectly for certain fonts

Installation (.NET)

  • .NET installer v19.2.4 fails because the "NupkgRestore.dll" assembly cannot be installed in certain cases

PDF Document API

  • API - The CreateTiff method doesn't save a passed resolution value to the image's metadata
  • Interactive Forms - Documents containing detached interactive form fields cannot be processed
  • Parsing - A document containing a 'Square' annotation with an incorrect popup reference cannot be opened
  • Parsing - Reset-Form action cannot be parsed if a document doesn't contain an interactive form
  • Parsing - StackOverflowException is thrown when opening a document with a stream if length is represented as a reference cycle
  • Usability - The PdfOrientedRectangle class does not provide a public API to get the coordinates of a rotated rectangle

Project Templates

  • The "New Project" template creates a project folder with a default name instead of a custom name

Spreadsheet Document API

  • Chart's DataTable is lost on saving a document to the XLS format
  • It is impossible to set the size of a cell comment
  • The Pivot field's conditional formatting is lost on document saving
  • There is no option to disable printing unsupported content placeholders

Word Processing Document API

  • Document Preview - Rich Text content is incorrectly rendered in Linux enviroment
  • Provide an informative exception message when a dictionary file of the wrong type is sent to the CustomHyphenationDictionary or OpenOfficeHyphenationDictionary constructor
  • The RichEditDocument.ExportToPdf method goes to an infinite loop when exporting a specific document
  • XRRichText does not render HTML text correctly when the AzureCompatibility option is enabled
DevExpress Office File API

DevExpress Office File API

Sie können jetzt Excel- und Word-Dateien lesen und schreiben, PDF-Dokumente erstellen und bearbeiten sowie Barcodes und komprimierte Archive generieren.

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