Oxygen Publishing Engine veröffentlicht

Eine vollständige DITA-Publishing-Lösung für die Darstellung der Inhalte von WebHelp- und PDF-Ausgaben.
März 3, 2020
Neues Produkt


  • Includes a DITA-OT CSS-based, PDF publishing plugin and Oxygen XML WebHelp Responsive plugin.
  • Allows you to transform DITA content into WebHelp and PDF.
  • Transform DITA resources by running a transformation script.
  • Includes the following PDF transformation types:
    • DITA Map PDF - CSS styling applied over a merged HTML5 document (the merged DITA map converted to HTML5).
    • DITA PDF - CSS styling applied over a merged HTML5 document (the merged DITA topic converted to HTML5).
  • WebHelp Responsive plugin is a DITA Open Toolkit plugin that provides the ability to transform DITA documentation to HTML format. It extends the DITA to HTML5 plugin by using its XSLT stylesheets and ANT targets.
Oxygen Publishing Engine

Oxygen Publishing Engine

Eine vollständige DITA/DocBook-Publishing-Lösung für die Darstellung der Inhalte von WebHelp- und PDF-Ausgaben.

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